Chapter 54

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I was little worried that Oliver would wake up when the bell rang for delivery. He did stirred and groaned but I brush my hand on his hair and he 'hmm' and went back to sleep while Mia went to collect the take out. We ate as silently as we could to avoid waking Oliver up.

"He didn't get much sleep when we went for the trip." Grayson said. "He is unable to sleep in the plane, most of the times."

"You think his body will ache tomorrow?" I asked him seeing Oliver's body in a small space.

"Most probably. I should wake him soon. It's going to be an hour now. I will take him home once I am leaving."Grayson said.

"How did you guys know we were there?" I asked Grayson and raised my eyebrow at him.

"He is not telling me that either." Mia said accusation in her voice.

"Oh, look at the time." He said with surprise and stood up. "It is getting late. We should get going." He said walking to Oliver.

I stood in front of the couch and looked at Grayson. "You better tell us how you found out about our whereabouts."

"I heard that you are Oliver's girlfriend now." He said quickly changing the subject and Mia shriek and quickly covered her mouth.

"I never agreed, yet." I said.

"I thought you did." Grayson frowned and looked at his brother.

"I am still not sure about many things." I said.

"Does it have to do with those two women." He looked at me with a questioning look.

"What? How do you know?" I asked and his eyes looked shock and said.

"It was true then." He said shocked.

"How did you know about that?" I asked again confused.

"I did hear about it in the office, but I thought it was a rumour." He said and he looked at everywhere else other than me.

"Okay....." I said confused.

"But you should go with what your heart wants." He said and I saw Mia nodding her head. "People will never shut up. Their opinion should not matter to you. They may break you, you are stronger than that."

"I still am not sure."

"It's not like he is asking you to marry him, yet." Mia came forward. "Give him a chance and see... we don't want regrets right? You don't want to miss this chance of dating someone you like because people will talk right? What if you will be so happy with him."

I looked at Mia and at Grayson who give me those encouragement look that I wish everyone else did and I sighed. "I will think about it."

"You should." Mia said. "Not every-time a millionaire with good looks will ask you out." She joked to lighten up the look.

"I am more handsome than him." Grayson said and we laughed softly. At least Oliver was still sleeping. He must have been exhausted because he did not wake up but stir and rolled to the other side.

By 11 pm, Oliver woke up from his nap and complained about neck pain to which I rolled my eyes. He ate the food that we put away for him. Mia was watching TV with Grayson while I sat with him as he ate his food silently.

"I am not going to apologize if that is what you are looking for." Oliver said without looking at me as he ate.

"I am not even expecting one." I said rolling my eyes.

"Good because we both know that I am right."

"Of course. Your majesty is always right." I said sarcastically and he rolled his eyes.

"I wanted to ask when you are available to talk about something before my trip to Japan." I finally asked, but whispered softly so that Mia and Grayson doesn't hear our conversation, it didn't really matter because those two was busy arguing about the movie and commenting about it.

"Whenever you want. I can always shift my schedule around." He said tilting his head to one side and give me a questioning look.

Of course, he can do that. He is the freaking boss.

"Well, should we go out for dinner sometime soon." I said quickly.

"What?" He asked. "You should slow down if you don't want to repeat."

"I think we should go out for dinner sometime." I whispered.

"You can say louder than that." He frowned and I was irritated at this time.

" I said we should go out for dinner sometime." I yelled at him and his mouth formed an 'O' shape and I heard laughter from the two people and I was embarrassed.

"Like a date?" Oliver asked confirming.

"It definitely is a date." Mia said giggling.

Oliver looked at me to confirm and I said, "Yea like a date."

He give me the biggest grin ever and I couldn't help but feel the butterflies that was erupting inside me.

Author's Note:Thank you for reading this book. We want to thank everyone who voted for this story, added this book to their reading lists and most importantly we want to thank you all for reading this book. Your support means a lot to us. We hope you like the book so far. Please vote for this chapter and share this books with others. Next update will be tomorrow. Happy readings!

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