Chapter 41

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It's been 2 days since I last met or heard from Oliver. Logan always waited for me outside work or home. It felt weird. I almost called him to yell at him, but I decided against it. It was finally Friday and I couldn't wait for the work to finish because tomorrow is weekend. I decided to call Oliver after work and tell him about what I thought.

After what he said and I thought. I can't be angry with someone just because he wanted to hide his identity. Nothing much have change even if he is my CEO, but of course there is limit now. His personality will remain the same. Maybe our friendship too, it is just I know his position in the company and that really doesn't matter to me.

Right when I got off from work. I called him and he picked up after sometime and he sound super tired.

"Hi." He said.

"You sound super tired." I said laughing awkwardly.

"Is everything okay?" He asked immediately.

"All is good. I just called to say when should we hang out? Is that too unprofessional?" I said.

"No-no. Of course not. We are friends?" He said sounding like a question to me.

"You sound so tired though. We can hang out once you get better rest." I said honestly.

"You want to meet tomorrow?" He said instantly.

"No." I said quickly and the added. "You sound too tired. You should rest tomorrow and Sunday we can go out?" I said.

"Sunday?" He said almost sounding happy to me. "That is awesome! Do you want me to call Ethan and Jason again?"

"I don't know. It is up to you." I said shrugging.

"Where are we going though?" He asked.

"I don't know?" I said laughing.

"Okay, then allow me to make the plan. It will be a whole day plan though." He said.

"Okay." I like that idea... it's been a long while since I went out.During my high school till now. I didn't get much free time to hang around and play because I had to work and focus on my career. I want a break from everything and a one day trip sounds great to me.

"I will ask Ethan and Jason. Will your sister be joining us?" He asked.

"She went back to my parent's place and I heard she is going to Japan with your brother ?" I said confused.

"Yeah. He did great with her help during his exams." Oliver reassured. "You want to go too? We can go." He said. "I wanted to ask about that too."

"No. Thank you! But if you want to go you sure can. I am good though." I said. "Well, take a rest if you can tomorrow because Sunday will be a long day." I warned him and he laughed.

'His laughed is so contagious and nice. What did I just thought ? I wanted to slap myself. Oliver is just a friend. I reminded myself'

"A long and nice day." He said. "Logan is waiting outside again."

"You and I both know the answer to that." I said. I have been rejecting Logan's offer after that day he dropped me off from the hiking.

"He might be upset if you keep rejecting his offer. He keeps calling me because of that."

"Which is why you should not do that. You don't send anyone for Jason or Ethan." I pointed out.

"You are a special one to me." He said laughing and my heart melted hearing that sentence and I quickly wanted to get out from that thought.

'We are just friend. Nothing more.' I said to myself again.

"But, on a serious note. You should let Logan drop you off home. You cannot keep rejecting him, he might get more upset."

"Maybe next time, I am not going home straight now. I have some work." I said.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Groceries shopping."

"Why now? Why not tomorrow morning ?" He asked.

"That's a good question. Tomorrow is my stay-in day." I said.

And if I know him a little from the time we spent I know he must have rolled his eyes.

"Logan will drive you wherever you want then he will drop you home." He said finally.

And this time I rolled my eyes. "I stay close by and it will be inconvenient."

"Logan will take you." And his sentence was a demand and left no discussion and argument because I can hear his frustration and if he was in front of me I would rather hide than see his attitude.

"Okay?" I said but it almost sounded like question.

"Great." He said going back to his happy mood. This guy may have mood swings. I thought to myself.

"On Sunday we will be talking about this." I said to him.

"About what?" He said acting innocent

"This special treatment." I said

"Okay ." He said, but does not sound like he mean it.

"See you on Sunday." I said and we ended the call.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give it a Vote and a share if you are enjoying this book.Happy readings!

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