Chapter 79

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Grayson decided to stay here for sometime because he can. It is also his house. He give us guilty looks and kept saying that I should hear from Oliver because he doesn't want any misunderstanding or confusion to happen later. Oliver texted me a bunch of times and I did not open or read any of them. I want explanations and I want it soon.

"Are we kept here to be watched?" I asked Grayson and he shake his head as his eyes widened in shock.

"No. It is for your safety." Grayson said.

"I don't want to stay here." I tell him.

"I know." He said in a small voice. "But even if you go somewhere else, the security will follow you, there is no point. Here, you are not exactly watched unless you go out." He said.

"So you mean to say that when I am in my own place, I am also watched from inside."

His eyes widened. "I didn't mean that. See, this is what I meant. I cannot explain and you may get the wrong idea."

I shake my head. "I am going to the room. Let Oliver know that I am not talking to him unless he explains to me what is going on."

Grayson nodded his head. I left the room in a not so good mood as I went back to Oliver's room. The irony is that even though I don't want to see him, I am reminded of him when I am in his room. His room was what would scream about his personality. It was dark and mysterious. His room does not hold much life on its own way. There was hardly any picture except of one huge picture of us. The bed was tidy, of course because I assume someone comes to his room to clean. I didn't have any extra clothings or anything with me and I wonder what should I do about it.

By the time night rolled out, Jasmine came in with some shopping bags and provided me with some clothings and I thanked her none the less even though I was freaking out about the situation. Grayson wanted to have dinner together and it was one of the most awkward dinner- none of us was trying to communicate as we didn't know what could add fuel to the fire or what could burn one.

Once the dinner was over, Grayson suggested maybe we should watch a movie together and I thought to myself. How can this guy still want to hang out even knowing how awkward it was at dinner, but I didn't say anything and just agreed to it. The house have a small theatre - not at all surprising and Grayson included popcorns and drinks to make it look like we are in a theatre. We watched some comedy movie and even though it was funny, none of us laughed as we were drown in our own thoughts.

I called it a day way quicker and left the room. I walked passed a hallway with paintings and might I add it was beautiful, all the paintings was beautiful as all hold a story behind. There was in particular where there was a female with a beautiful face and a big smile, but the truth was her eyes, the artist drew a small painting where a sad woman who looked just like her with her face hidden with her hand and sitting in the dark corner.

I was taken out from my thought when my phone rang and it was of course Oliver. I picked up.

"Baby." He said as soon as I picked. "I am sorry."

"Don't even start from there, you have some explanation to do." I said really annoyed now.

"I know. I will be reaching New York on Thursday at 4 pm. We can go out for dinner and talk about it." He said.

"We are not meeting outside. I want us to meet at either one of our house." I said because I don't want any dramas in front of strangers.

"Anywhere baby." He said.

"Then we will talk that time." I said to him.

"Just trust me baby, I wanted what was good for all of us."

"We will see about that." I said to him.

"Just try to understand my perspective." He said to me.

"I wish I can, but I don't even know what to understand when I don't know what is going on."

"I will tell you baby, when we meet." He said urgency in his voice.

"I really hope that I will be able to understand you." I said to him. I was really upset with him.

"Please Just try to, okay? I have to go now.. I have to wrap up all the meetings fast so I can come back sooner. This was not suppose to take place like this."

"It wouldn't have happen if you would have told me earlier." I said to him.

"I know. I messed up, but allow me to explain though." He said.

"You are getting one, but hopefully it won't change us." I said.

"Please don't say it that way." He pleaded.

"You should go now, Oliver. We will decide once you come back. For now, just so you know I am upset with you and I hope that you have a good explanation to give me for this situation."

"I will baby, see you soon." He said.

We ended the call and then I looked at the picture that I was looking at. The hidden meaning that was slightly unnoticeable brought me back to the reality that shows how all of us in our lives are hiding from the truth and ran to the darkness with no way out. Our smiling face holds the lie that we are okay, but in reality we are fighting for the light that we are searching for, but we are unable to.

Author's Note: Hello beautiful readers, thank you for supporting us in our book. If you like the chapter, please give it a vote and share it with other readers. Your support means a lot to us. Follow us here and also read our book, "Seasons of the Year" Which you can find it in our profile. The next update for this book is Thursday. Happy readings!

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