Drunk Feelings

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"Come in

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"Come in." Evelyn called from her bed hearing a series of knocks on her door.

Alex peeked his head in, opening the door wider to lean against her door, "Are you still coming to the party tonight?"

"Oh yeah, when is that?"

"We were thinking about leaving around 7, pick up Liza then go to the party."

Evelyn thought for a moment, "Alright sounds good, I'll start getting ready."

Alex nodded and shut her door to leave her be.

Evelyn set to get ready, taking her time with her makeup and hair, smoothing out any bumps on her head as she gathered her hair into a ponytail.

Sliding into her black dress, Evelyn twirled around in front of her mirror. Smiling to herself and feeling pleased with her appearance.

Evelyn picked out her black knee high boots and sat on her bed, sliding her boots onto her legs.

"Ooo you look nice, planning to meet someone tonight?"

Evelyn smiled at David, "A rich forty-five year old," she stood to show him her outfit, "Does this say sugar baby in waiting or what?"

David laughed, waiting for Evelyn to grab her purse and follow her out.

                              •.   •.   •.   •.  •.

Evelyn managed to separate herself from David, Alex, and Liza, chatting amongst the other party attendees. Dodging any questions for her phone number.

Tipsy, Evelyn made her way over to the big crowd of dancers, letting herself get mixed in as she danced to the music blaring through the speakers.

"Evelyn!" Two girls squealed, hugging her. Evelyn smiled at them realizing it's the two girls she meet earlier.

"Hey guys!" She chuckled at the girls' drunken behavior.

"You have to come do shots with us!" Grabbing both her hands as they danced with her to the bar.

The brunette set a shot glass in front of her and filled it with Smirnoff vodka. "Okay, One! Two! Go!"

Downing hers, she slammed the shot glass back to the counter before the other two.


Evelyn laughed and handed them her glass, feeling giddy and bubbly. Downing three more, the girls pulled her back to the dance floor to dance.

"What do you mean! Ooooo!" They screamed together. Evelyn laughed out of breath, loving the party attitude the girls had.

Stumbling, Evelyn clutched her head as a dizzy spell took over her, "I'll be right back." She called out.

"Eve are you like okay?" The blonde asked, placing her hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah just not feeling too good."

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