Late Swim

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"You know what would be awesome?" Evelyn asked Andrea who was wiping off her makeup tiredly.


"Going swimming. I know they have a pool in this place somewhere."

"Oh they do. Top floor but not tonight." She begged.

"But it would be so much funnnn." Evelyn whined.

"It's closed anyway." Andrea said, taking down her hair.

"We could always sneak in?"

Andrea looked back at her in shock, "I don't know if it's just because you're tipsy but are you always this rebellious?"

"It's because I'm a bit tipsy." Evelyn giggled. "Come on Andrea I need someone to go with."

Thinking for a moment, Andrea brushed through her hair, "Fine," Evelyn pumped her fist in the air doing a quiet 'yesss', "but you go ahead, I want to clean up my face and hair before going."

Evelyn switched out her clothes for a simple white bikini, bringing a robe with her. "Don't take too long!" She called, running to the door giggling.

Ridding the elevator to the top floor, Evelyn sneaked down the hall to the pool entrance. Careful not to make too much noise to alert hotel employees.

Evelyn reached her hand through the bar gates and flipped the lock, pushing open the door with a wide grin. It was quiet. All except for the soft hum of the water cleaner.

The water reflecting on the walls, giving a soft blue hue to the area. Throwing her robe to a lounge chair, Evelyn dipped her foot in the water. Perfectly warm.

Sliding into the water, she let go of the edge and swam backwards to the middle of the pool. Floating on her back comfortably. Paddling her feet slowly, she observed the glass ceiling that showed the stars, so tiny but bright. It was beautiful.


Flipping into the water, Evelyn looked up to see David peering down at her from the edge. She swam up, breaking through the water, going to edge to rest her arms there with giddy smile.

"Hey Dave."

"What are you doing here?" Laughter in his voice.

"Have you noticed you always do that?"

"Do what?"

"Laugh while talking?" Evelyn cleared her throat, "That's it for today's vlog. Thanks for watching." She imitated making him roll his eyes.

"Ha ha."

Evelyn giggled, dropping back into the water, "So what are you doing here?"

"Andrea texted me to check on you."

Evelyn let out a booming laugh, "She did?!"


"God I love that girl." She muttered ignoring the confused expression David wore.

Pushing back her wet hair, she bounced on her toes, "Are you gonna come in or what?"

"I don't-" he pinched his shirt and pants, "I don't have any swim shorts on."

Evelyn shrugged, playing with the water, "Go in your boxers."

David sighed, watching her for a moment, entranced by her carefree demeanor. Kicking off his shoes, David pushed down his pants, throwing them near Evelyn's robe finally tossing his hat away before sliding into the water.

"Keeping your shirt on Dave? Hm I think the clothing ratio is a little off." Evelyn gave him a suggestive smile.

David shook his head, "You're tipsy aren't you?"

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