The Talk

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"So one shot-"



"Almond milk."

"And foam on top."

"Okay so you got one right." Evelyn sighed.

Jackson smiled in triumph, "Better than last time."

"Sure. Here's her planner for next month." Evelyn opened up the blue notebook, pointing to the list of names written to the side, "She's going to be meeting with these head ups this month and you are going to have to your research on them. Prep her while on the go."

Skimming through the pages, Jackson nodded along with Evelyn, casually relaxing against her couch. Evelyn waited for a moment as he read through her notes, checking her watch for the time.

"Can I take this?" He asked.

"Yeah, just don't lose it. Seriously that will be your next best friend."

Jackson chuckled, "Yeah okay."

"I'm serious Jackson don't lose it."

"I won't I swear." Putting away the planner into his bag, he pulled out a red one. Flipping through the pages and stopping on September. "This is what Cormac will be doing. You'll have to be apart of the meeting but you'll have to be invisible. Don't talk. Don't move. Don't make noise."

"Am I allowed to breathe?"

Jackson laughed, "Just be as silent as possible while you make notes."

Feeling a buzz at her thigh, she pulled out her phone and read the incoming text.

From Dave 🙃:
Hey you busy?

Evelyn's thumbs hovered over her screen, uncertainly.

"You should say yes."

Seeing Jackson peering at her phone, Evelyn clicked her phone off, placing it on the table. Jackson grinned at her, "Who is he?"

"Just a friend of mine." She said, pulling out folders from her bag and spreading them out on the table.


"Whatever. Now let's talk about the shows shes in charge of."

"Do you ever have fun on your days off? What's your life like outside of work?" He asked, leaning towards her in interest.

Evelyn leaned away, "Off topic."

Jackson sighed, "Come on Evelyn. Charlie doesn't get off till five today. She's not coming home any time soon."

"Why? Why do you want to know?"

"What if I wanted to ask you on a date? I want to know what you do for fun."

"I have a boyfriend."

"The big guy that came by the other day? I know you're not into him."

Evelyn glared at Jackson, "Excuse me, don't make assumptions about my relationship."

"If you're really sure he's someone you want to be with... you won't mind if I text Dave?" He lunged for her phone, running to the bathroom.

"Jackson!" She screamed, slamming into the bathroom door. "Open the door. I swear on everything if you don't-"

"No passcode? You make this too easy." He laughed from inside, "Hey I was just thinking about you," he raised his voice in a girly manner, "What's up?"

Panic raising in her, Evelyn banged on the door, jiggling the doorknob erratically.

"I was thinking about you to. I wanted to know if you're okay?" Jackson cooed, "Aw. What should I say? How about 'I will be. Did you want to get together later?'"

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