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Searching through her dresser, Evelyn tossed clothes behind her in a frenzy, trying to find decent clothes to wear for this weekend.

Excitement was the best word to describe how she was feeling at the moment while trying not to vomit. She heard Charlie let herself in her room and let out a sigh.

Charlie watched Evelyn in pity before lightly pushing her out of the way, "Go pack your toiletries. Let me handle the outfit situation."

Evelyn scampered away, organizing her makeup bag and wipes gratefully as this was something she loved to do. More peaceful then looking through the train wreak of clothes.

Charlie lay out two dresses and a mesh shirt that paired with a pink skirt. Evelyn's eyes widened at the shirt, "Nooooo. No. There's no way I can wear that."

Packing it into Evelyn's suitcase, Charlie starting to search for more clothes, "Yes you can. You have a really good body, you deserve to show it off. Plus you'll look completely irresistible to that Daniel guy."


Charlie waved her hand, "Whatever. You guys are going to a dinner right? Make sure you wear this one." She pointed to a black dress before packing comfy clothes for her to wear when coming back home.

Opening up her top drawer, Charlie searched through her bras and underwear and groaning, "Evelyn what is this?"

"My lingerie?"

Charlie scoffed, "This is not lingerie." Turning to size up Evelyn, she left the room leaving Evelyn alone to pack up her makeup and starting in on wrapping up her straightener and curler.

Charlie returned with sets of lacy lingerie making Evelyn's eyebrows shoot up.

"Just in case." She winked while Evelyn's face turned a bright red.

"Charlie." She hissed.

"I never said it was with Dan." She said giving her a smug look.

Evelyn rolled her eyes, "Whatever."

"That should do it." Charlie flipped her bright red hair over her shoulder, "I swear I should have became a stylist." Shaking her head, Charlie smiled at Evelyn, "Let me know when you're leaving."

"Will do."

•. •. •. •. •.

Getting cozy in the back seat of Scott's car, she watched the scenery rush past her window while music flowed through her earphones.

She felt someone kick her leg and looked up to see Todd speaking to her. Yanking out her earphones, Evelyn paused her music, "What?"

"Tell Scott about your boss."

Evelyn raised her eyebrow in curiosity, "Why?"

"He doesn't believe me when I say how hot she is."

Evelyn cringed, "Todd gross."

Scotty laughed as Todd tried to explain himself. "No no I'm serious. I'm confident she was into me to."

Scott glanced at Evelyn for confirmation to which she nodded slightly while rolling her eyes. "But is she hot?"

Kristen slapped his arm, making Scott yelp, "Its just a question!"

Evelyn let out a breathy laugh, "She's a very attractive lady."

"Okay if she's really all that how come you didn't bone her yet?" Corinna asked.

Evelyn looked behind her at Corinna who was visibly glaring at Todd but he paid no mind to it as he continued on.

"I mean I was talking to her at her work so we got interrupted but next time though." He smiled, showing all his teeth. "I won't get into too much detail."

Evelyn didn't miss the way Corinna rolled her eyes, slumping in her seat. Turning back around in her seat, she felt a tense silence on her end.

"Who all is going to be at the party?" Evelyn butted in, making Todd stop his talk about Charlie.

"The usual," Kristen said, ticking off her fingers, "Heath, Zane, Alex, Gabbie, Jason, Liza, Matt, Carly, Erin, Andrea, and two other friends of David's."

"Who's Andrea?" Evelyn asked noticing the last name.

"Just some other youtuber." Kristen waved her hand, "You'll meet her, she's nice. More of Corinna's friend though."

But Corinna had her headphones on, looking out her window with a pout on her lips. Evelyn felt sorry for her. If she knew how Corinna felt, she wouldn't have said anything about Charlie.

Feeling her phone buzz in her lap, she looked down to see a new message.

Vernon Gang 🤘🏽

Ilyaaaa : David just told me you're coming to Vegas! We haven't seen you in a minute!

A. Neumann : getting drinks ready

Evie 👾: damn really the gang back together
Well almost

Davey 🙃: I tried to get Natalie to come

Evie 👾: Good enough
Ilya get your liver ready

Ilyaaaa : Its been ready 👊🏽

Evelyn smiled to herself before putting her phone away, ready to party.

•. •. •. •. •.

This is gonna be such a long Vegas story not gonna lie. I have like five parts to it right now but I'm editing all of them right now.

But I'm trying to start shaken it up because it's about time for this story to get some spice into it lol

Well anyway thanks for reading! Tell me what you think and or vote!

Happy readings!

Touch || David DobrikOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora