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Grabbing the tray of food, Evelyn made her way back to her table where Brennen sat, playing with his phone.

"Alright so tell me," she said, sliding into the booth, sitting across from him. "What's been going on lately?"

Brennen and Evelyn have been meeting up more lately to chat, keeping each other in good company but as friends as Evelyn started to see an older man.

Brennen took his food from the tray and placed it in front of him, "Well I found out I was adopted."

"Are you really?" She asked, eyes widening.

He laughed, "No, it's just a joke I've been telling my fans but if anyone asks, I'm adopted."

Evelyn rolled her eyes, an amused smile on her face, "Got it."

"How's you and Jared holding up?"

Taking bites into her fries, she nodded, "Good. He apologized for what happened the other night."

"That's good." He paused for a moment before asking casually, "Did you believe him?"

Evelyn concentrated on her food, not meeting his eyes, "Of course. Exs are crazy, I get that."

Brennen stayed quiet, letting Evelyn mull over what happened a few nights before.

She was always curious about the hype her boyfriend put on clubs as he told her how he couldn't wait till she was of legal age this year. Telling her of all the places he was planning to take her to.

And with another night of him skipping out on plans for the two of them to go to some underground club, she finally gave in. Asking Dom to make her a fake ID so she could get in and see what her boyfriend was actually doing.

Her heart pounded against her chest in nerves as she pushed her way through the crowd of people, looking out for the curled blonde hair and bronze skin.

Just as she was about to give up, she heard a sickly sugary giggle followed by her boyfriend's name.

She found the source and saw her lean in uncomfortably close, a lusty smile on his face while she whispered who knows what into his ear. Feeling her blood pound in her ears, she stomped over to the pair, catching the scantily clad woman off guard with a hard shove that sent her to the floor, "He has a girlfriend you bitch!"

"Evelyn baby-" he touched her shoulder but she whipped around to face him, fury evident in her features.

"Shut the fuck up you asshole! I can't believe you!" She screamed, catching the attention of people around her.

"How did you even get in here?" He asked lowly, trying to get close to calm her down but she backed away quickly.

"Don't touch me and don't even think about calling me again!" She yelled, storming off to the exist, club goers stepping out of her path.

He showed up to her apartment multiple time, begging for Alex or David to let him in so that he could speak to her. Finally catching her as she was leaving for work and desperately asked her to listen to him, that it was all a misunderstanding.

But she only half listened, drowning out his voice before she quietly agreed to take him back as this is the best she was going to get because the one she wanted most wasn't hers.

Brennen reached over, taking some of her fries, "So what's David been up to?" He asked.

She gave him a knowing look as Brennen facaded innocence.

David's subscribers grew massively over the months gaining over a million of them and counting as Brennen only had shy of a million.

And like most youtubers, everyone wanted in on David's vlogs which took over his daily routine that grew more and more crazy from crazy pranks, setting animals on top of his blindfolded friends, or shaving their new found friend Jason's head who also endured lip injections and many other things just for David's vlog.

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