chapter one

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hey guys so this story is ALL from tony's point of view, and they're in high school, with no powers or anything (an au) hope you enjoy!


That day was like any other day. I woke up, brushed my teeth, got dressed and went to school. I was late to my first period, as usual, and took my seat in the back. As I was pulling out my notebook, the teacher made an announcement that caught my ear.

"Class, we have a new student joining us. His name is Steve."

I looked around and noticed the only empty seat in the room was next to me. I wasn't much of a people's person, so the thought of him sitting next to me made me anxious.

"Please, Mr. Rogers, take a seat next to Tony in the back."

And there it was.

At first, it was awkward. He faintly smiled and I nodded my head in return. He sat down and pulled out his books, avoiding eye contact. We didn't talk until about half way through the class.

"Tony, right?" he said, finally looking me in the eyes. I noticed his eyes were blue. I liked blue eyes.

"Uh, yea. And you're Steve?" He smiled and nodded, still starring at me with those beautiful eyes. I got lost in them. When I realized I was starring for too long, I quickly looked away.

"So, I'm sorta new around here and was wondering if you could maybe show me around?"

My heart started beating so loud, I was worried he could hear it. He wants me to show him around? "Of course," I managed to get out.

"Thanks, Tony," he said, flashing me with that gorgeous smile.

This is the last thing I need, I thought. To fall in love.

but you promised - stony Where stories live. Discover now