chapter ten

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"T-three weeks?" My voice was so shaky I could barely speak. I had finally found someone that I cared so much about, and he was leaving me in the blink of an eye.

"Tony, I'm sorry. We'll make this work."

I didn't even look at him. I couldn't stand to look at him.

"Tony, please. I'll come over tonight, and we can talk things through. Please, I can't loose you." Without making eye contact I said, "I'll see you tonight," and got up and left.


It was around 2 am when Steve finally came over. He climbed into my bed and attempted to kiss me on the cheek but I pushed him away.

"Steve, why didn't you tell me you were gonna move? Why would you torture me like that?"

"I'm sorry, I was just scared. At first, I thought this was just gonna be a hookup. But Tony, I fell in love with you. And I was scared I was gonna loose that."

"I fell in love with you, too. Steve, I was a mess before you came here. You are the only thing keeping me going. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"I'll come back. And we'll buy that house together, just like I said."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

"I love you, Rogers."

"I love you too, Stark."

sorry this was short

but you promised - stony Where stories live. Discover now