chapter eighteen

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20 years later

steve's pov
I knew I was making a mistake when I walked up to that house. I knew he'd probably never forgive me for what I he done. But it didn't stop me. So I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Suddenly, my whole world flipped upside down when the love of my life was standing there in the doorway. I could hardly speak. "T-tony?"

He didn't say anything, just sat there in complete shock. And I don't blame him. He must've assumed I was dead. "S-steve? W-what are you doing here?" Before I could answer, I heard a woman's voice coming from inside the house. "Tony? Tony's who's at the door?"

"Who's that?" I asked.

Tony opened the door all the way to reveal a woman and little boy. "Steve, this is my wife, Pepper, and our son, Peter." I couldn't wrap my head around what I was seeing. Tony had a wife and kid?

"Pepper, Peter, this is my, um, old friend Steve." I awkwardly smiled, trying my best not to cry in front of his family. "Would you excuse me for a minute? Steve and I have some catching up to do." Pepper nodded and took Peter inside.

"Come with me," Tony said grabbing my hand and pulling me inside. We walked up the stairs, and I observed the countless pictures of him and his family. He looked so happy.

We went into a bedroom and he locked the door behind him. "Come here, you son of a bitch," Tony said before pulling me into a hug. We were both in tears now. "Where have you been?"

"Tony, I can't even begin to explain how sorry I am. After graduation, my mom found out I was gay and I got scared. I didn't know what to do. So I made the stupidest decision of not coming back to you and I never forgave myself. And I never will."

"Goddamn you," he said pulling me into another hug. When we pulled away, our lips were inches apart from each other. We looked into each other's eyes, with the same idea in mind. But I pulled away.

"No, Tony, you have a wife and a kid! We can't do this."

"But, Steve, I never stopped loving you. Please, just one last time."

"I never stopped loving you either."

Suddenly, our lips were connected, making us whole again. Shots of adrenaline shot down my body, making my toes tingle. We had both longed for this for so long.

Tony pushed me down onto the bed, peeling my shirt off of my hot skin. His hands traced over my stomach, causing a moan to escape my mouth. "Shhh, you have to be quiet! Pepper is downstairs!"

In the midst of all the chaos, Tony stopped. "What is it?" He ran over to a drawer and pulled out an envelope. "This, this is for you. I wrote it years ago, never thinking I'd see you again."

Tony kissed me one more time before we realized it was for me to go. We didn't know when we'd see each other again or if we'd see each other again.

"I love you, Stark."

"I love you too, Rogers."

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