chapter nine

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I woke up and Steve was still in my bed. I heard my mom downstairs, making breakfast so I began to panic. "Steve! Steve, wake up!"

"W-what time is it?"

"Time for you to go," I said pushing him off the bed. Still groggy from his sleep, he rubbed his eyes. "Get up, Steve! You've got to go! My moms awake!"

He got up and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "Love you, Stark."

"Love you too, Rogers." I guess that was our thing now.

I went downstairs, said hi to my mom, and left for school. I hopped on my bike, and rode it as fast as I could. All I wanted was to see Steve.

When I got there he wasn't sitting in his seat. I figured he was running a little late after the whole incident that morning. But the clock kept ticking and there was still no sign of him.

Finally, the bell rang, but Steve never came. I began to worry. He seemed fine that morning. After school I decided to go to his house.

I had only been there once before, just to walk him home. His mom was always home, so we found my house was the best place.

"Hello Ms. Rogers, I'm a friend of Steve's. Is he here?"

She seemed disoriented. "Uh, ya. I'll go get him."

Steve came down the stair, genuinely shocked to see me. "Mom, I'm gonna go hang out with Tony for a bit. I'll be back." He came outside, closing the door behind him. "What are you doing here?"

"You didn't come to school today, and I don't know I was nervous."

He grabbed my arm and pulled me around to the side of the house. "Im sorry, there's just, a lot going on right now."

"What do you mean?"

"Tony, there's no easy way to say this but, I'm moving." I could feel myself getting nauseous. "Moving? What do you mean moving? You just got here barely a month a go!"

"This has always been a temporary home while my mom looked for a new job. I just didn't know how to tell you."

"So let me guess, your mom got a new job?" He nodded his head. I could feel my eyes beginning to water.

"Goddamnit, Steve. H-how long do we h-have?"

"Three weeks."

but you promised - stony Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora