chapter thirteen

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*trigger warning*

Two months had gone by and I was getting worse and worse. It will still weeks away from graduation and I couldn't bare the thought of Steve. So, I didn't the one thing I promised I wouldn't.

I found an old blade in a box I kept hidden under my bed. I made sure my mom wasn't home, and closed the door behind me. I held the blade to my wrist, tears streaming down my face. "I'm sorry, Steve," I whispered.


The next morning I wore a long sleeve to hide my fresh wounds. I knew no one would suspect a thing.

I was sitting at a lunch table alone, as usual, when boy named Josh came over and sat down. "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to see a movie with me this weekend? Like a date? I know you had a thing with Steve, but you're cute."

This took me by surprise. Of course, I was still waiting for Steve, but maybe a date would take my mind off of things for a while. I'm sure Steve wouldn't mind.

"Um, sure. Steve won't mind, he won't be back for a while."

Suddenly, Josh stood up on the table and everyone turned to watch. "We were right! You heard it here first folks! Tony Stark is a gay fag! Tony Stark is a gay fag!"

Everyone in the cafeteria was laughing and pointing. It felt like my whole world was crumbling to pieces. "You wanna suck my dick, Tony? Well do ya?" Josh said, dancing around on the table. I resisted every urge to punch him in the face. So I ran.

As fast as I could.

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