chapter six

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I was shocked at first, but then I just let myself go. I grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him closer. He parted his lips, deepening the kiss. Our tongues moved around in unison, dancing around inside our mouths.

Suddenly he pulled away.

"I'm sorry, Tony. I didn't mean to."

I shook my head and pulled him back into the kiss. This one was passionate, but short. "Steve, I've wanted to do that since the moment I met you."

Steve stayed over the rest of the day, just laying there in my arms. We didn't talk much, but we didn't need to. Laying there with each other is all we needed.

When I heard my mom pulling in the driveway, I told him he had to go. We ran to the back door. "Goodbye, Tony," he said before he quickly kissed me on the lips.

"Tony? Are you here?"

"Hey, Mom."

"Tony, I hear you didn't go to school again. Is everything alright?"

"Ya, I just wasn't feeling well."

"You know, I'm considering pulling you out. Maybe homeschooling you? I think it would be good for you." I'd normally be fine with that, but now that I had Steve, I wasn't so sure.

"No, I'm okay. Really."

She walked up to me and kissed me on the head. "Hey, how about we go get something to eat? You and I?"


My mom and I went to a nice restaurant downtown. While we were sitting, waiting for our food, two men walked by holding hands. "Ugh, that is disgusting. I mean do they really have to do that in public?" my Mom comments.

"They just love each other. What's wrong with that?"

"No, Tony. It's wrong. If someone like that ever comes near you, you run the other way, you hear me?"

I nodded.

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