chapter eleven

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To my surprise, my depression and anxiety seemed to be dying down. Steve and I spent every second we could together, which helped a lot. I even stopped taking my pills.

It wasn't completely gone, but having someone who loved me, like Steve, really helped a lot. I know I had only known him for a few months, but it felt like we were meant to be together. I had never loved someone like that before.

We were only two days out until Steve had to leave, and we were having a picnic under the stars. "I can't wait to run away with you," Steve said, gazing at the stars.

"You promise the moment we graduate you'll be back right? No matter what?"

"No matter what."


The dreaded day came and it was time to say goodbye. I could hardly speak. I held Steve in my arms, never wanting to let go. When Steve pulled away I saw he was crying, which broke me inside.

"Steve, this has been the best two months of my life. I can't imagine life without you. I don't want a life without you."

"Tony, promise me you won't hurt yourself when I'm gone."

I didn't answer.


"I promise." He kissed me, hard. I couldn't believe he was actually going. I felt an anxiety attack coming, but I tried my best to hold it down. "Okay, I have to go."

"I love you, Rogers."

"I love you, Stark."

And with that, he was gone.

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