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❛ how to kill the mood 101. ❜

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝, and that bothered her tremendously

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𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝, and that bothered her tremendously. The stereotypical British weather had made an appearance after a few weeks of sunshine and the fact that the girl now had to wear a chunky, fluffy coat rather than her normal jacket made the teen have a scowl on her face.

Also that the fact that Jordan had messed up his life again annoyed the brunette beyond belief. He was on a drug drop a few weeks ago and got into some trouble with someone he shouldn't have, this caused Mr Qureshi to step in and end up beating up the man in question due to walking home at the exact same time.

The boy Angel was standing with outside ended up being dragged into the teacher's office as Jordan had filmed the fight and spread it online last night which resulted in the teacher having to check up on the boy every morning as punishment. The brunette wasn't on her own for long though as both Nas and Missy made an appearance to school which made Angel walk over to them.

"Get a room!" Angel shouted over to Missy and her boyfriend who were making out against Aaron's car, however, the loudness of her voice attracted her boyfriend's attention who then jogged over to her from the other side of the playground to wrap his arms around her from behind and begin kissing her cheek repeatedly.

Cory knew this would annoy his girlfriend as she hated making a scene in front of everyone, and it did irritate the brunette as she tried to pry herself out of the boy's arms but there was no luck as she was a lot smaller than the teen boy.

"Cory get off me!" Angel giggled as she couldn't stay angry at her boyfriend long. The boy smirked and didn't listen to her as he then turned her around and pressed their lips together, the kiss didn't last long as Mr Bell walked over to the two and had to awkwardly ask Cory to his office to talk about the Wilson boy's dad.

Angel rolled her eyes at the man who impregnated her mother as she was still angry at the two - who she still hadn't spoken to at all since the other night. Once the brunette was alone her two best friends quickly went up to her and linked all their arms together, Nas was weirdly quiet but she quickly blurted out what was wrong when no one was in earshot.

"Seeing you two all loved-up does, you know, make me feel a bit sorry for myself," Nas admitted sadly. All the girl wanted was a girlfriend but it was quite hard when the only people who knew of her sexuality where her two straight best friends and the girls mum.

"You'll find someone, Nas," Angel tried to reassure the girl, this didn't seem to convince the Pakistani girl as her face just showed sadness and worry.

"Have you thought of putting an ad in a newsagents window?" Missy snickered at her own joke.

This made Nas smile back sarcastically to her two best friends and pull them into school. The topic of Nas's love life between the trio of best friends seemed like the talk of the day as once their morning lessons had finished and they were sat at lunch, it was brought up again. For the first time today Nas was smiling, and it made both girls question why.

"Got myself a new dating app, so if there's someone else on the app, then it shows up, probably won't come to 'owt, because we all know this town is a gay desert," Nas babbled on happily at her potential of finding a partner.

The phone showed up some potential girlfriends for her sooner than they all thought as it quickly pinged and both Missy and Nas went to find them, Angel would've joined as well but she had already missed too many biology lessons this week for it not to be noticed. Unluckily for Angel the one time she decided to turn up for her lesson her teacher was at home sick and the PE teacher - Mr Simpson had to fill in for the lesson of sixth formers.

"Wa-hey! Sir, thought you never wore anything but shorts," Cory cockily shouted once the substitute teacher walked in.

Himself, Angel and Naveed were all sitting next to each other in this class and it had started to make the brunette feel uncomfortable with how many dirty looks Naveed was sending her when he thought she wasn't looking. She didn't understand why he didn't like the girl but Angel just blamed it on the fact that she was best friends with Nas who had recently broken things off with him.

"I smarten up when I have to, and Cory I'd appreciate it if you and Angel didn't show us how babies are made, I mean I know this is biology but come on." Mr Simpson sarcastically replied. The brunette was leaning against her boyfriend's shoulder and Cory's hand rested on her upper thigh, it was hardly R-rated but it still made the class look at the couple and for the boys to holler in excitement that the teen boy was showing affection to his girlfriend.

Angel quickly picked her head off the boy's shoulder and slapped his hand off her knee as she hated being embarrassed, however the boy didn't listen to her complaints as he quickly put his hand back on her leg but slightly higher. The girl ended up giving up on taming her boyfriend and she hated to admit it to herself but she loved it when Cory was touching her, whether that was intimately just in the two's private company or if they held each other's hands in the hallway.

The one time that Cory did pull his hand away that lesson was when he had to hand in his homework to the teacher, this made Angel huff as she had yet again to forgot to complete it.

"I'm sorry Angel but I'm under strict orders of giving you a detention if you didn't hand your work in, this is apparently your twenty-sixth time that you haven't done it." Mr Simpson sadly told the girl as he read out the list of names of uncompleted work.

This made the brunette roll her eyes at annoyance in herself at putting other priorities above school, but a lot had been on her mind recently including the return of her mother, the constant battle of wheater to tell Cory about her pregnancy scare and Jordan's recent change of his old self-destructive life.

The last of the three worries was intensified once school was over and she had walked into the room which detention was held in as Jordan was sat in one of the stalls with his head in his hands.

"What have you done this time?" Angel questioned. She had tried to make it sound jokingly but it came out rather harsh due to her feeling tired and irritated with Mr Simpson that he made her reschedule her date with Cory.

The younger Wilson boy had been recently turning his life around for the better due to Mr Qureshi's help in the form of boxing training, the sport had let Jordan let out all his anger on a punching bag rather than people which resulted in the teens grades becoming better, him becoming a better dad to Jamie and how he had mended his friendship with both his brother and Angel.

"Mo got on my nerves again," Jordan mumbled into his hands. He was getting so good with boxing but the other teen boy in his year pushed him to the limit of calling him mean names which resulted in the Wilson boy hitting him.

In the small fight between the teen boys, Jordan had managed to somehow chip a rather big hole in his front tooth, this was currently why he hadn't faced the girl yet as he knew she would make fun of him, and his suspicion was right as Jordan hadn't noticed the brunette was so close to him until he heard a rather unladylike snort come from her at the sight of his chipped tooth.

"You know, I do want to reassure you that everything will be okay, but making fun of you is so much more satisfying."

o. 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞.

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