blooming (part 4)

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I look away and dig my face into my hands.

"I only found out last night" i say quietly.

"Why don't you seem happy..." Shiro asks me placing a hand on my shoulder.

I look at him quickly before showing his hand off my shoulder and bolting from the room.

"I told you I didn't want to do this" i cry sprinting out of the room in terror.

It's not that I didn't want it to be keith it's just.... i dont deserve him... he needs someone better, someone who doesn't cut his wrists iron cry himself to sleep. Someone who isn't worthless and a pile of horse shit. Someone who can love him without feeling guilty.

And I'm not that person.

He hates me anyway... so now it's twice as bad.

I run to my room and slam the door shut and run to my bathroom. The fact that keith will know slips my mind as I grab my knife from the cabinet. I lift up my shirt and press the blade to my ribs and cut. I slice it round my hips slowly and painfully once twice three times... i continue counting until my torso is bloody.

I pant desperately and clutch the sink so tight my muckle go white. My head is spinning and I can seem to catch my breath. My breathing just keeps getting quicker and quicker and harder to control by every passing second. My chest tightens horribly and my stomach lurches, my tears just won't fucking stop.

I feel my eyes start to roll back into my head as I slowly loose consciousness.

And suddenly,

The world is black.

A noise hits my ears. It's dull and drowned out by the static noise in my ears.

It takes me a minute to relise my eyes are closed and I'm not just floating through and endless pit of darkness.

I start to open my eyes slowly and the noise is starting to register fully in my ears.

"Lance! Lance wake up! Please!"

It's Keith's voice.... I think.

"K-keith?" I ask hoarsly. I finally tear my eyes open and I see the fuzzy outline of Keith kneeling over me.

"Oh my god Lance! I thought your ere dead" Keith cries bringing his hands up to his mouth.

Are there tears in his eyes?

"Are you crying?" I ask confused.

"Of course I'm fucking crying! I feel flowers growing in my chest and I find you on the fucking floor in your own blood passed out!" He shouts sadly.

"I...." I start to speak but think better of it. "I still don't get why you're crying... Who cares about me" I say still confused as hell.

Why is Keith crying over me? Why does he even care?

"I care Lance!" He shouts. "I ca-care" his words are broken by his voice cracking.

The sound sends waves of pain through my body and I wince.

"Why?" I ask crying.

"Because you're my soulmate Lance!"

"Is that the only reason?" I ask slightly hurt by that.

"No! Im worried because you're my friend too! I care because you mean so fucking much to me that if you died I wouldn't know what to do with myself! Even before I got this soulmate shit! I always cared about you! Even if I didn't show it well!" He says sobbing.

I sit up in shock and gape at him.

"I really really care you asshole" he says wrapping himself around me and sobbing into my shoulder.

It takes me a few minutes to realise hes hugging me before I actually hug him back. I slowly and carefully place my hands on his back and nuzzle my face into his neck.

"I'm sorry...." I whisper sobbing a little.

"You don't need to be sorry... Just let me help you. Let me help you stop this" he responds sobbing still.

I hesitate to answer.

Do I really want to stop? Why should I stop? I don't deserve to be alive so why stop?

I think for a moment...


"O-okay" I hate how my voice broke as I said it.

I'm so unused to people knowing and actually helping me instead of forcing me to apologise and trying to force myself to stop with anger and threats.

This way feels nicer.

Less... Scary...

It's feels warm... Like someone actually loves me...

"Th-thank you Keith" I sob.

We sit there and cry into each other's shoulders. It feels great to let it out with someone. Someone I love. It feels great to have someone hold me. Someone who loves me.

This all just feels so great.

Keith eventually pulls away from the hug and cups my face with his hands. He wipes a few tears off my face and his before smiling softly at me.

"I love you Lance... You're my soulmate and I'm so happy it's you... I was so worried it would be someone else... Or no one. You're perfect. You're who I wanted it to be" he says giggling sadly.

"Me too Keith" I say putting my hands around his waist.

And before with know it I've pressed my lips to his.

It feels like explosions going off under my skin. My lips are burning and my heart is imploding. It feels like match so perfectly and this moment is so great I never want it to end.

Unfortunately it does but the next moment is just as brilliant and bright.

Keith combes a hand through my hair lovingly and tests his head on my chest. I wrap my.arms around him and I can't help wondering if every day is gonna be as spectacular as this moment.

"I want to help you get better Lance, I want you to see the beauty in yourself the same way I do and I know countless others do" he says tightening his grip around my waist.

"I..." I stop myself from saying something self hating and pause to think.

"I'll try... Thank you" I didn't register how much it took for me to say that until i relise I am holding my breath.

I exhale long and deep.

"This feels perfect Keith... I want the rest of our life to be like this..." I whisper.

"Me too Lance... And I hope it will"


I roll my eyes and pull Keith closer.

I don't care if they're watching now. Let them watch. Let them be jealous.

Enjoy the show, This is my life and you can't ruin this for me.

Woooooot. Finally finished fricken blooming ajdjsjnwjwbdn. Yes I am on holidays.... I just still can't sleep.
*Pretends to be shocked*
Yaaa it's 2am I wrote this in an hour. Like the rest of my chapters, no editing  soooo lots of mistakes..
Anyways enjoy!!!!
(Also please give me a request someone like even a vague hazy idea I can work off. I need something to work on while I hereee)
It's late and I should prolly be sleeping but I'm here giving u guys gals and non binary pals some contenterino.
(Omfg I'm so sleep deprived)

~~langst~~ (one shots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang