worst memories part 2

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This was also written by Mystery200611 but this time I edited a lot (sorryyyyyyyy it needed to be longer!!!)  but go follow mystery they're writing is good although I don't know if they have any stories out yet!.

Part two of worst memories 

Lance POV 

I quietly walked out of the room trying not to get there attention.

Once my foot was through the door I sprinted to my room and grabbed my bayard. The bayard was pointed at my stomach, a sign that I haven't given up completely but enough to want this so badly....

I squeezed the trigger. A loud bang made my ears ring horribly.

The noise almost as horrible as the ripping pain in my abdomen.

I drop the bayard and feel my stomach with numb hands. The realisation of what I just did hitting me.

I look down and see blood blooming in my shirt and covering my hands.

The ringing won't stop.

I crumble to my knees as my legs give out and suddenly the floor rises to meet my head.

So this is what death feels like. I couldn't help thinking about why I hadn't shot my head. Maybe I really did want someone to save me.

Keith POV 

Once I heard the gun shot my frozen body burst into  action.

’please say you didnt’  I kept repeating in my head.

But my hopes were crushed as I opened the door of his room. There was lance in a pool of his blood.

A single sob erupted from me. I choked the rest of them down and ran to his side.

I checked for his pulse and thanked god he had one.

I lifted him up into my arms trying to stop the tears rolling from my eyes making my vision blurry.

I got there quickly.

I desperately shoved him into the pod and tried to imitate what coran does.

When I finally got it to work lodge bolted into the room with the other running after her

“What the hell was that?” Pidge 

“Pidge language” Shiro 

"Shits this isn't the time for that!" Pidge yells seeing lance in the pod.

“How could I have not known” hunk 

“we shouldn’t have made assumptions” Coran says sadly. " He asked not to do it but we made him"

“how could he not have told us!" Allura asks angrily

“BECAUSE WE WERE ALL AWFUL TO HIM! WHY WOULD HE TRUST US!” I yelled, frustrated that I never gave him a break and asked him how he was doing. Never tried to look past the fake smiles and laughs. Never thought anything of the constant jackets and long sleeve shirts.


All of them looked down in shame.

None of them had realised how ostracized they had made lance feel, some of them without knowing.

I pretended I didn't notice.

“When lance gets out we’re all going to apologize for what we said about his memories. We are going to apologise about everything"  I whisper clenching my fists.

{week later}

Lance POV 

I start to wake up..

My eyes are heavy and I don't want to open my eyelids but suddenly I am falling.

Cold air hits my skin but is replaced by something warm and solid.


I slowly open my eyes fully. I'm met with Keith's beautiful eyes. My eyes widen in shock and i look around see the rest of the team. 

I'm alive!?

This is by Mystery200611 but I made a good few tweaks this time 😅😅😅oopsie

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