ash (part 2)

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I feel like laughing. Finally. It took me so long to get to this point. To actually kill this useless man.

Now just to convince them it was all in self defense.

I hang up the phone after explaining a little bit.

I walk over to beside the body again and crouch down beside it

I smirk.

"This was over due you disgusting pig" I whisper to him. "She hated you. She hated you with every fiber of her being but she stayed with you because you scared her. You scared all of us" I growled still smiling at the corpse.

"Well not anymore"

The police arrive. I claim self defense and show them bruises and things he's done to me. I claim the multiple stab wounds are from my panic and terror not excitement and glee.

They take me into the station and ring my aunt when they're done questioning me.

She comes quickly and picks me up. She hugs me tenderly. It's an act.

I smile at her, forcing tears down my face.

"Oh honey, we'll get you cleaned up and wrap you up in some blankets ok?" She says soothingly.

A c t

She drives me back to her house and picks up my stuff from my old house like my school uniform and other clothes.

I got to sleep that night with the most amazing pictures flashing in my mind.

My step father's death.

I let myself imagine my next victims...can you guess...

I'm sure you can

Try ....

I open my eyes and pull on my uniform quickly.

I walk to school before my aunt even wakes up and I sit and wait at my locker for them to arrive.

I see them walk through the front door.

I make myself look sad and worried as they stalk over to me in their gang.

"Look at the freak! Sitting on his own" allura says laughing.

"We heard what you did freak" pidge growls.

"You're a murderer" shiro hisses.

I flinch.

Fake of course

But I flinch none the less.

"Some teachers want to talk to you guys after school. Room 12" I say quietly faking fear.

A c t

"What did you snitch on this town murderer" Keith growls.

I look away, hiding my face as I grin out of view.

"I didn't do anything" I whisper.

"Liar" hunk hisses. He turns and walks away. The rest follow.

Once they're out of sight I let myself grin. I feel giggles rising in my throat and I fight to keep them down.

Now all I have to do is wait till school is over.

My classes go by slowly, teacher after teacher coming up to me an asking me if I'm alright, how I'm holding up. Students asking the same.

Same answer for both.

A shake of my head and some carefully timed tears and they melt before me.

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