ageless (part 1)

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Got me a request!!!! (Three actually!!!) I'ma start with the one Isy_weirdo gave me!!!

"Thank you paladins of Voltron! For saving our planet! We would like to show you some of our latest food concoctions as a token of our appreciation!" The king of the planet yells grinning.

I turn away from an alien I was flirting with and politely say goodbye before shuffling over to beside the paladins.

"Follow me!"

We all listen and walk behind the chubby neon yellow alien.

We get to a set of huge double doors.

"Before we go in, please do not touch anything! We will let you try anything we have deemed safe!"

"I might get some ideas for our next dinner" hunk says grinning and rubbing his hands together.

I nod and smile at him.

The alien pushes the doors open with mild difficulty. He throws his hand out to the room and smiles.

"Recently we came up with some fun new foods, we thought maybe you would like to try some"

"As long as it's safe" allura says hesitantly.

"I trust this guy, he's too happy not to be nice!" Hunk beams.

"I'm with hunk, I wanna try some of this food" I says grinning happily.

"Our first thing for you to see is this!", He yells raising a bottle of clear liquid into the air. "Isn't it fantastic! So clear and magnificent!".

The paladins all stay silent looking at the bottle in confusion.

"It's just water", I say dumbly.

I grab the bottle from his hand and take a glug out of it.

It tastes like nothing.

"See it's just water" I say laughing.

"No no! That's is not wgat you call water! This is hypernano liquid" The king shouts in terror.

"Lance you idiot!" Pidge says angrily. "That could have been anything!"

"It was water guys, it didn't taste like anything!" I say defending myself.

The others don't seem completely convinced. They cross their arms angrily.

I roll my eyes and hand the bottle back to the king

"Nothing happened so I don't get why you're so worried, it's not like I died" I groN angrily.

The others just shake their heads.

Suddenly corams voice echos in my head from the ship.

"Paladins. There's another attack get to the lions"

Shiro excuses us quickly and we Sprint to our lions.

~~~difficult battle time skip~~~

###3rd pov###

"Hey Lance! Stop training for a little while and come eat!" Hunk shouts into the training room. "We all fought pretty hard today you need to refuel!".

He walks round the corner to see a young boy cowering in the corner. He runs over to him quickly.

The boy is muttering about robots attacking him

"Hey? Hi! What's you're name? It's ok they're gone" hunk says quickly trying to calm him.

The boy looks up.

"H-hunk?" A familiar voice cries.

"Lance!?" He cries.

The boy nods gently. "Why do you look so different?" he says scrunching up his nose.

"Lance what happened to you?!" Hunk asks screeching.

"These robots were attacking me "

"What age are you Lance?"

"I'm 13 hunk, or are you hunks dad?" Lance asks quietly.

Hunk stops frozen staring at the smaller version if his friend.

"What do you mean 13..."

It's short but I don't have much inspo at the moment the request was great I'm just not in the writing mood lately haha so updates might be a little slower then usual 😅😅😅 enjoy!

~~langst~~ (one shots)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora