quiet (part 2)

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I stare at lance sitting numbly on his bed. He doesn't blink he doesn't move he just sits up straight starig at nothing with dull lifeless sad eyes.

It hurts me to even look at him like this. It breaks my heart.

I don't even know what to say or what to do or how to think. I just feel numb

"What have they done to you?" I ask my voice breaking

My heart clenches as I look at him. My body is cold and all I want to do is make him whole again.

I hear footsteps and talking. The others coming.

anger surges through my body like fire searing my veins and heating me from the inside. Words soar up my throat and press against my clenched teeth.

The come round the corner and walk into the room

"Keith come talk to us we haven't seen you in forever" shiro says smiling.

"Yeah! It's not like lance is going to respond to you anyway!" Hunk says. How can he say this shit.

"look what you've done to him!" I scream.

"You've destroyed the one good thing in this whole fucking Galaxy! The one who made us all laugh! The one who made us happy! The one who made me feel things! Everything! Not just the dull mind fucking numbness! and you destroyed him!" I scream my voice breaking horribly.

They all stand in the doorway quietly.

"Oh so now you're quiet! Now you feel guilty!? Or do you! Do you even relise that this is the product of your disgusting if ignorance!" I roar.

They start to protest and my anger doubles.

I walk towards them and get right into shiros face.

"He hasn't eaten or slept because you didn't tell him to! Youve destroyed his fucking mind!" I scream my voice going hoarse. Tears sting my eyes.

"That's not my fault!" Shiro yells.

"You're all monsters!" I scream.

I turn back to lance who is looking at me numbly.

I swallow thickly, the lump in my throat choking me.

"We need to leave" I whisper.

"This wasn't out fault Keith! He did this to himself!" Hunk yells.

"No... It is our fault" allura says quietly.

I get myself under Lance's shoulder and put a hand on his back. He tries to protest but I pull him along

"Damn fucking right it is" I growl.

I pull lance with me.

I don't know where we are going but somewhere away from these disgusting people where I can help him and make him feel better.

I need to bring back the old lance.

The lance I'm in love with...

Not this shell of him....

I need lance back. I need him.

I need my best friend back.

Please lance... Come back to me

So this is super short. Life is shit again. Christmas is soon and im the most depressed I've been in months woooo. How amazing. I want to die.

Anyway.... Part two of quiet you all wanted it I'll try make a part three whenever I can but yeah.... It probably not that great....

Sorry I'm a fuck up



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