your fault

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I wince as a knife is dug into my arm. I pull the trigger on my bayard and the Galra slumps to the ground.

"lance!"Keith screams desperately.

I spin around fearfully and dive to the floor.

I reach out to grab keiths hand as he trips backwards. His fingers lock into mine and I'm the only thing keeping him from falling into the huge gaping hole under him.

I turn and shoot the last of the attackers with deadly accuracy.

I gasp as I hear my shoulder pop a little and I desperately dig my toes into the dirt. The wound to my arm preventing my from lifting him, I can barely hold on.

I throw my bayard away and grab a large root beside me.

"Keith! Grab onto something, I can't pull you up!" I cry.

Keith searches desperately for something to grab. Anything, but there's nothing but flat rock.

His feet slip on the rock, unable to get any holds.

"SHIRO! PIDGE! ALLURA? HUNK?" I scream as loud as I possibly can.

"Lance... No one can hear you" Keith says sadly. "There's nothing you can do lance". I can see tears gathering in his eyes.

"No Keith! There has to be something!" I beg. My shoulder groans at the weight and I can feel my wrist moving.

"Lance, you need to let go! Let me go!" Keith begs.

I shake my head desperately, tears stinging my eyes.

"Keith I can't! Please don't make me?" I beg him.

I can feel my shoulder popping again and I hiss in pain.

"If you don't let go now you're going to fall with me" Keith sobs.

"I won't let you die Keith! I can't! You're too important to me!" I cry. Tears are dripping from my nose.

"You have to lance it's the only way!" Keith yells.

I shake my head and tighten my grip. My shoulder almost dislocates as I do and I gasp

"You're shoulder is going to give out eventually lance! Please let me go!" Keith begs.

He start to wriggle his hand out of my grip and I struggle to keep our fingers interlocked.

"I can't let you go! I love you!" I shout my tears blurring my vision.

"I love you too lance.... That why I have to do this" he sobs.

Suddenly his hand isn't in mine anymore and I watch helplessly as keith falls. To his death.

I lie there in shock long after Keith is gone from sight.

My whole body is frozen and I feel like im not breathing.

Am I breathing?

I realise I'm not as a painful pressure builds in my chest.

I gasp for breath, still staring down.

"Keith!" I scream down the hole.

No response. Why would there be a response. Please respond....

I stand up numbly and stand on the edge of the pit.

I should jump

Jumping wouldn't bring Keith back

But it would make everything better....

I hang a foot over the edge and....

Buzzing a few foot from me snaps me out of it.

I turn around slowly and walk numbly to the helmet. I pick it up and slide it onto my head.

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