dear you.

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(that song up there is so beautiful, I had to share it and I hope it helps you like it did for me)

Dear you

I see you're a little down at the moment, stressed.
Are you eating right? Sleeping right? Thinking right?
I'm worried.
This is me reaching out to you and telling you you're not alone.
You and many others have commented worrying things here and I'm Not telling you to stop, I'm glad you're reaching out. I'm here to say I care.

I love you and I care.

I know some people will scoff at this and be like, "this won't help anyone he's just being dumb" and "I didn't come here to read this crap I came here to read the book"

I know someone reading this really needs this...

You need this

You're loved, you might not think it but you are. People care. If you were gone people would notice, some people would follow.

You're life is rough right now and that's shitty but everything gets better if you give it time. Which sounds so stupid but it's true.

Everything might be going wrong right now and I'm not going to argue that it's not but it's going to turn around for you. A new chapter will open and you'll find the light again

For now you just have to find the stars in the dark and hold them tight. Even if you're left with one star or half a star or even none... Just close your eyes and find something. Even if it's living for your cat cause it could be sad, or your dog, or your goldfish because you're the only one who feeds it.

Even if it's that moment of joy mixed with fear when you stand up to the bully

Even if its, turning your nose up at your old friends and watching them gasp because you couldn't care less (even if you might)

Even if it's that kid you sit with in science or whatever class that stays silent most of the day but will smile when they sit down and talk to you.

Even if it's your little sister or brother who says they hate you but in reality they love you and want to know why you're drifting but they don't know how to say it and they're too angry at you for leaving them.

Even if it's your plants in your windowsill you know will die if you don't water everyday.

Even if the light it that online friend who talks to you about their day

you think no one depends on you but something does, even if it's your plant.

You think no one sees you but there's a kid sitting behind you in class cracking up at the little jokes you whisper making fun of the teacher. There's a kid who sees you itching your wrists and pulling at your sleeves and is keeping an eye out for you quietly.
There's a kid who desperately want to be your friend and thinks you're amazing but is too shy to try.
There's a kid who looks at you everyday and thinks, I wanna be like them.

There a kid who's just like you trying to find light in the darkness and maybe you can be that light for them....

Live to make one person smile.
Live to make someone who's going through the same shit as you are happy if only for a day.
Live to make the loner kid at school feel a little less lonely because you talk to them
Live to make the bully angry you're living
Live to make your old friends jealous of how much you don't care (even if you do)
Live to push the boundaries of yourself and find how far you can go
Live to see a smile on your sister or brothers face because you bought them jellies
Live for the small things and soon it won't be so hard to just live...
Most of all live for yourself.
Live for the you, you want to be
Live to finally feel happy
Live for your future self chasing their dream
Live for anything. Anything at all.

Live for you.

I am not a therapist, I know but I hope this helped you... When you're down please read this.. remember I care.

Also guys, in the comments, it's not a competition if who's life is worse... Try helping each other feel better instead of saying "same except this happens" or "same but like twice that" because that just makes the person not want to reach out... This isnt a competition...

Try lifting each other instead of pushing each other down...


(Disclaimer this is to help you... Not make you feel bad or obligated to do something, everything is your choice)

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