shock (part 3)

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"lotor hurt your eye too bad for it to heal" Keith says choking on his words.

I stay silent

"I'm sorry Lance.... I'm so so sorry" he cries into my shoulder.

I bring my hand up to his back.

"It's not your fault mullet... I'm sorry I'm just shocked. It's not your fault" I say rubbing his back slowly. "It will just take some time for me to... adjust" I say carefully.

Pull away and grin at him.

"At least I have one eye! And now I can wear and eyepatch and be a cool pirate" I say striking a pose

Keith sniffles and laughed wiping his tears.

I smile at him as he laughs

"Or maybe a sexy pirate" I say wiggling my eyebrows. I don't want Keith to stop laughing... It's so beautiful

"Yo-gou don't need to be a pirate to be sexy" he says laughing rubbing his nose.

I feel myself blush.

"Well now I can be double sexy" I purr, moving my face closer to his.

I stare deeply into his eyes as his giggles die down and he stares back.

He hiccups

We both burst out laughing, clutching our stomachs tightly.

I wipe tears from my eyes.

"You know, you're still adorable in my one eye" I say giggling, not fully processing what I'm saying.

I hear a little gasp and I open my eyes.

"What did I say?" I ask, worried I insulted him

"You.. think I'm adorable?" He asks looking up at me with shining eyes.

I feel my face go red.

"I-i um- I" I stutter terribly.

Suddenly a pair of lips are pressed against mine.

At first I an shocked. I feel myself start to melt into it slowly, wrapping my arms around his waist, our lips moving is perfect unison...

It's like a dream.

"Get a room!!!!" I hear pidge screech.

I jump and pull away blushing.

Keith is as red as his jacket

"MY SHIP!!! IT HAS SAILED!" hunk screams from behind her.

Shiro and allura nod knowingly.

I burst out laughing, unable to keep a straight face in all that I'm embarrassed.

My friends are the best people I've ever met and i I am the luckiest person alive to have met them....

"I love you guys"

Okie I didn't really know how to finish this? I tried? It's kinda cringe and shite. I was gonna end at the klance moment but that would be kinda stupid so...

Also my next one might just be a nice fluffy romance thingy and then back to the regular schedule of angst

Oh and 11k reads!!! Woot!

(Or maybe more angsty Lance hehe I just got an idea)

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