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This song is amazing and suits it greatly

°°°lances pov°°°

I wander along the small thin road that leads to my house.

The dusk sky a pink and yellow glow.

My feet don't drag like they usually do.

My heart is fluttering with excitement.

Everything around me is so bright and beautiful even the grey dank parts of the street.

My feet skip lightly across the rough gravel.

I feel light, the excited butterflies in my stomach lifting me into air.

My house is in sight. It's grey rough walls an inviting sight. The bright windows have silhouettes dancing happily in them.

My pace quickens, a warm glow growing in my chest.

I reach the house, only a few steps from my driveway.

Laughter is bubbling in my ears. My families laughter.

My Mama's voice mixing playfully with my Papa's. They sound so happy.

My sisters voice and brother laughing.

Their voices telling jokes and fighting playfully over board games.

I can finally join in.

My foot lands on the tarmack of our drive but suddenly I'm back at the start of the street.

I stand confused for a second before shrugging it off and jogging down the road.

This time I don't stop to admire the scenery. The anticipation almost too much to handle

I once again reach the familiar driveway.

I run up it in excitement but when I get to my porch I am once again back at the start.

Confusion fills my mind.

I start to Sprint down the road this time scared and confused.

I don't understand what's going on. Why can't I enter my home?

I sprint up the drive and to the door.

I reach for the handle but the house disappears from in front of me and I'm left clutching air.

I bolt down the street as fast as I can. My feet hit the ground hard making thumping sounds

I get to the house again and Sprint to the door stumbling as I go tripping over my feet.

I grab the door handle with slippery hands and push the door open

a burst of happiness exploding in my chest the door opened. Finally!

My eyes are blinded by a bright light and the laughter builds in my ears, inviting me happily. I shield my eyes taking a step over the threshold.

Once both feet are in the room the light fades and I open my eyes.


My eyes are met with a dark room...

The widow's bordered up...

The usually hazel colour coffee table a dark sinister charcole is over turned....

The once yellow curtains grey and ripped...

The couches pulled apart with springs popping out of them...

The colourful carpet grey and torn and missing in places.

A cold wind chills me to my core as I stare at the hollow space that once held so much life...

So many memories.

My eyes dart to the corner of the room and I'm met with a harrowing sight.

My sister and baby brothers are sitting huddled there.

Their skin paper thin and and almost translucent grey. Their bodies frail and dirty.

I walk towards them in horror.

They look up at me, as I draw closer, their eyes hollow and dull.

"Why did you leave us?" My sister asks me hollowly

"Didn't you love us enough to stay?"

"I-i did" I whisper.

"You left us lance" my brother says raspily.

"You stopped loving us"

"We needed you and you left"

My heart clenches.

"N-no! I-" I try to start.

"You forgot about us. You're a monster"

"We meant nothing to you"

"You let us rot!"

They dive at me their faces morphed into demons.

Their eyes huge sinking black holes and their mouths gaping.

I sit up with a start.

My whole body sweating and cold

My hands are trembling.

I cup my head in my hands and try to control my erratic breathing

I clutch my blanket close to me.

The same dream over and over a never ending loop of disappointment for weeks on end.

I didn't leave them

I love them! I never forgot. Never

I didn't leave....

I didn't forget them, I didn't!

I didn't leave them to rot... They're alive! They must be

It's not my fault.

It's not my fault.

It's not my fault.

It's. Not. My. Fault.

Everything is my fault.....

I decided to write something cause I'm bored and its 3:20am. Sleep is for the weak. Anywayyyy enjoy!!!

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