Jealous cesar

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( y/n) pov

You were the mate of cesar, and the adopted sister of koba. You and koba were close thanks both being at the same testing lab, you he protect you from the humans. So you were close like a brother and sister, though always picking on each other and having fun with each other. One night you noticed that cesar was hurt by you being with koba, you went to find him. He was in the woods, you hugged him from behind he turn around than gave you small hugged back. Than after our hugged he sign  what's is it with you and koba i don't understand, don't you love me ?  he question i saw that cesar was hurt  koba and i , we are brother and sister ...that's my family before you he was only hope, love i had enjoy. But you are my true mate cesar i love you  i sign to him as i was crying. He wipe my tears than he sign  i am so sorry, i understand ...i love you " he sign before he put our foreheads together, his jealous about you and koba over. You and cesar were true mates

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