Chapter 7 - Mission No. 1

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"So you found nothing?" Spider-Man asked, finally looking at Deadpool. He had been too busy watching a lady that looked like she was being followed, at least until both the woman and 'the stalker' walked in oposite directions.

"I didn't...technically." Deadpool was sitting on the ledge of the building, swinging his feet back and forth.

"What do you mean?" Spider-Man raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't find anything about him other than his name and that he's not only running a human trafficking ring but he's also a drug dealer. And I did find a few of his connections." Deadpool said proudly whilst Spider-Man only stared.

"And how is that helpful?!"

"Hey! Hey! Hakuna your tatas, sweetums!" Deadpool put his hands up defensively. "I also found the location of one of the active warehouses he owns. I'm sure his employees will be willing to give us some information."

"Okay..." Spider-Man nodded. "And how are we gonna get that information?"

"Easy." Deadpool wrapped one arm around the hero's shoulders, who tensed up. Wade decided to ignore it, he just probably hated him that much. "We pun a gun to their head."

"Deadpool..." Spidey warned.

"I'm joking, babs. We beat the shit out of them and force them to confess." He shrugged. "And if that doesn't work, then we put a gun to their head. I won't pull the trigger but they don't need to know that."

Spider-Man nodded and looked down, probably contemplating the idea. He looked back at Deadpool. "How are we gonna find the warehouse?"

"I have it all on my phone so don't worry about that, Spidey. Just kick ass and look pretty." He winked. Spider-Man suddenly seemed to remember Deadpool's arm around his shoulders cause he moved away.

"Okay, let's go." He got up, letting Wade get a better look at that succulent spider ass.

"What? Now?"

"Yes. Now." Spider-Man crossed his arms over his chest. "The faster we get to work the sooner we'll get them."

Deadpool smiled, getting up and stretching. "Wise words." He ran towards Spider-Man and jumped on his back, making the arachnid groan. "Oh my god, that was hot. Do it again."

Spider-Man rolled his eyes, he sure was a grumpy one. "Get off."

Deadpool pouted. "But I need a ride. Not all of us have webshooters. Besides," He hugged Spider-Man tightly. "we'll get there faster like this."

"Holy fuck knuckles, he's so muscular."

"I want to squeeze his man boobs."

"Muscular man boobs."

"Now you two, don't be nasty. This is a strictly professional relationship."

Spider-Man was ready to jump when he heard Deadpool speak. "Uh...what?"


Later they arrived at the docks. They landed on a blue container, which was on top of at least other two. Spider-Man finally felt the cool air hit him when Deadpool let go of him, suddenly the warmth the larger man was providing him was gone. It was silent, so silent it was actually kind of scary, specially since it was almost seven and there was barely any sunlight anymore.

"That was fun!" Deadpool placed his hand on Spider-Man's shoulder. "Thanks for the ride, I'll someday return the favor so if you ever need one, call me. No matter the kind of ride you need, I'm down regardless."

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