Chapter 12 - Bootylicious

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"Ball sucker!"

"You wish, Wilson!"

Peter and Wade had now been playing Mario Kart for almost three hours, or four? Could be five. Who knows? Peter'd lost track of time.

Wade was a freaking cheater though. He'd won most rounds because every time Peter would finally get to first place Wade would distract him in some way. And this time wasn't any different. As Peter approached the finish line a smirk appeared on his face, he was keeping Wade at a safe distance by using his foot to push the merc's face away from both him and the controller. He would've stayed stuck to the wall to stay away from him had Deadpool not tried to spray him with Raid the last time he tried it.

You're done, Wilson. He thought.

He was so close to winning he could almost taste the words 'I win!' in his mouth...when the PS4 was turned off. "Wha..." Peter looked at Wade, whose finger was still on the power button.

"All is fair in love and war."

"You prick." Peter was tempted to throw the controller at him, but it was a precious piece of technology...and it was the red one so he was so not gonna risk it's life by throwing it at the mercenary's skull.

"Oh Spidey! Language!" Deadpool smirked.

"Suck a tit, Wade." Peter put the controller away and crossed his arms over his chest with a frown and a pout that Wade could see even through his mask. "Cheater."

"It's not cheating." Wade got up, putting the controller away. "It's called strategy."

"Don't think you know what strategy means." Peter complained again, still upset that Wade had taken away his chance of winning first place. "If you've played fair I would've crushed you."

Wade was now grabbing a bag of Cheetos from one of the cupboards. "You're more than welcome to crush me anytime." He walked back to the spider and sat down next to him, not so close though. They were like two bros chilling in the hot tub five feet apart cause they're not gay...apparently. Wade put the bag of Cheetos on the couch in between them both. "Eat some, Spidey."

Peter rolled up his mask so it was just above his nose and started eating, this was probably the most he'd eaten in a while. Yup, five slices of pizza and Cheetos. Being poor was hard.

He glanced at Wade, noticing that instead of doing the same as Peter he was grabbing Cheetos one by one and taking them to his mouth by tucking his hand under the mask. Peter frowned, it wasn't the first time he'd noticed Wade refused to show his face- well, part of it.

"Why do you do that?" He finally had the guts to ask.

Wade looked at him. "Do what?"

"That." Peter pointed at his face with a Cheeto. "You go always go out of your way to ensure I can't see your face. Why?"

Deadpool looked down and Peter was afraid he'd upset him with his question until he chuckled. "I'm just no model underneath this." He gestured the leather red and black mask.

"I won't judge." Peter stated, taking another Cheeto to his mouth.

"Oh believe me, you will." Deadpool said in a more serious tone, before clearing his throat. "Maybe another time."

Peter nodded, the mercenary was clearly uncomfortable with the whole thing and he wasn't gonna push it any further for now. He'd probably show him when he's ready, if he ever is. "Okay."

Deadpool smiled at him. "Thanks Spidey." He grabbed the remote and turned on the T.V. "Ever watched Golden Girls?"

He had watched a few times with May, it was actually a pretty good show. "Yeah, why?"

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