Chapter 17 - Toxic

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"Webs, your healing factor fucking sucks."

"Gee, thanks." Peter said a little too sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

He groaned as the mercenary carefully stitched his wound with a bright blue thread and a sterile needle. Yeah he'd been shot a couple times before but no matter how many times a bullet goes through your skin you never get used to the feeling, it always hurts like hell. He was glad Wade was there to help him get the bullet out and just clean the wound altogether because doing it alone was a nightmare. He was also thankful it was a very superficial injury and no internal organs were at risk.

Peter held the top part of the suit up just above his belly button so Wade could work around his torso. As he did so the spider kept looking at him. He began to wonder why he looked the way he did, he knew he was scarred, it was on his S.H.I.E.L.D. file but he didn't know to what extent until now. It was a bit shocking at first, he wasn't going to deny that. He was definitely not expecting the scars to look like that, much less for them to be all over his face and probably his body too. But he genuinely didn't think he was ugly. Hell, he was actually attractive. His entire bone estructure was angelical, all sharp features and then his eyes, those baby blues. He had a handsome face and probably had all people swooning over him before the incident.

"How did you get them?" Peter asked before he could stop himself. "The scars I mean."

Wade looked up at him, his mask again had no expression and Peter was afraid he was pushing it a little to far, he did show him his face after all.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I'm just curious." He admitted.

"Naturally." The mercenary sighed and went back to wrapping the bandage around the hero's torso. Wade muttered something to himself he didn't quite catch before beginning his story. "I had cancer. So you know...I was dying. I met this guy, he said he could not only cure me but also give me abilities most people only dream of and a bunch of other bullshit." Wade said half heartedly. "Long story short, I believed him and got into the Weapon X program, where they tried to trigger my mutation through torture. It wasn't as fun as it sounds." He shrugged. "The scars are the result."

Peter's blood boiled at the confession. He frowned under the mask as his brain processed the information. He didn't know why but all he wanted to do was find out who had done all those horrible things to him. He wanted to find them and hurt them. He wanted them to go through what Wade had gone through and more, much more. To hear them beg for their life, make them regret everything they'd done to the mercenary.

Peter didn't understand the feeling that had just taken over him, it was so foreign to his entire persona now. But he was familiar with it, he'd felt the same way every night he'd go out hunting down his uncle's killer. That rage, it was toxic and only fueled his desire for revenge.

Peter tried to push all those horrible thoughts to the deepest and darkest part of his mind before speaking again. "And the it gone?"

"The cancer's still there, it's just not killing me anymore."

He nodded slowly. "I'm sorry..." Peter tried to find the mercenary's gaze.

"Not more than the bastard who did this to me. He's dead." Wade said with a grin, going back to his normal self after that small rant of his.

Peter smiled. He was glad the man was dead. He shouldn't be, but he was.

Because who could ever hurt someone like Deadpool? Granted that he was a mercenary, but he killed only the bad guys, right? And he wasn't in the business anymore so it didn't matter. He was simply such a beautiful person, so selfless, kind and full of love, willing to give it all away to whomever gave him the smallest amount of attention even after being hurt so much and lied to.

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