Chapter 10 - Wade Wilson

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Peter was woken up by the sound of the alarm. The brunette groaned exhausted, did he really need that internship? After a few moments of suffering in silence he got to the conclusion that yeah, yeah he did. He didn't miss college that day for nothing.

He turned off the alarm, being careful. He'd already broken three clocks after trying to turn them off in the morning, sometimes he forgot he had super strength.

Peter sat up, rubbing his eyes, before getting up and walking to his closet. He picked a white button-up, a black sweater and jeans along with black shoes to match. He wasn't a fashion expert so he did what he could and it'd normally work, it's not like he could afford a lot of clothing anyway. He got dressed, wearing the Spidey suit underneath.

He walked to the kitchen and quickly made himself a sandwich, which was actually all he could make at the moment. Damn, he really needed to go grocery shopping. Which reminded him of money, which reminded him of Jonah, he still needed to send yesterday's pictures...he'd do that later.

Peter grabbed the milk from the refrigerator and chugged the container. Once empty, he threw it in a plastic bag and mentally added another item to his shopping list, milk.

Finally, the young man walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and frowned, his brown hair was an absolute mess, which wasn't an odd occurrence, and normally he would leave it as it is but today he'd have to make an exception and use the very cheap gel he bought five months ago after May insisted he 'tamed that bird nest of his.'

Once finished, he walked out of his apartment building, it was six fifteen in the morning and his interview was at seven, so he still had some time to get coffee, if he grabbed a taxi afterwards he'd have no problem getting to Oscorp Industries.

But let's be honest here, when did things go his way?


"I can't believe my luck sometimes!" Peter said as he rubbed his soon-to-be bruised cheek.

He did get his coffee, he did get a cab, but the New York traffic was unpredictable. He'd been stuck in the traffic for at least twenty minutes and he couldn't risk it, so he did what first came to mind: he threw five dollars at the taxi driver and got out of the car then sprinted down the street. After realizing he only had ten minutes to get to his destiny he ran into the darkest and sketchiest alley he could find, changed out of his civilian clothes and swung all the way to Oscorp Industries, then stopped at a rooftop nearby to change back but not before hitting a brick wall on his way there.

Peter was still tucking his shirt back in his pants when he stumbled into the room. A lady, who he assumed was the receptionist, was siting at the desk in the middle of the office. She had a very professional appearance, unlike Peter, who thirty minutes ago at least looked decent but now looked like he'd just escaped prison. Definitely not a good look for your last interview.

The lady stared at him expressionless for a few moments as he approached the desk. Maybe he wasn't the first desperate aspiring intern she'd seen. "Hi, hello- um..." He cleared his throat. "I-I came here for t-the interview?"

The woman behind the desk nodded, looking at the computer. "Name."

"Parker. Peter Parker." He ran a hand through his hair as an attempt make it look better, maybe if he'd gotten better quality gel at least his hair would look alright.

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