Chapter 29 - New Beginnings

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Wade couldn't stop staring, he was over the moon.

Peter was so beautiful.

Smoking hot.

And he was his soulmate.

It was crazy! The name on his chest finally had a face, and that face happened to be the one under Spider-Man's mask and Spider-Man happened to be a very beautiful man.

His chestnut brown hair was so fluffy and soft- at least it looked fluffy and soft, he hadn't touched it yet but man he really really wanted to. And he had a beautiful pair of brown eyes to match, he could stare at them all day and never get tired of it.

"He also has a nice tush."

"We already knew that."

"It's always worth mentioning."

"Seriously? He just revealed his identity and all you can think about is his ass?"

"Petey's ass is always relevant."

"Sure, whatever. How about you forget about his ass for a second and instead consider the possibility of this guy being like eighteen?"


"Look at him! He looks young as hell! And Wade's definitely not that young."

"He's not old!"

"Sure but he's not young young, you know?"

And White was right, Peter looked young...way too young for him.

Wade's heart sank.

He couldn't be a teenager. No way...the universe couldn't be mean enough to pair him with a freaking kid. He couldn't date a teenager. He couldn't.

He hoped he had the baby-face syndrome or something and he wasn't actually a kid that was way too young for him. Because soulmates or not, Wade had principles. As crazy as that might sound.

His heart broke at the thought of his Peter being a teen. If that were the case then he'd have to end it all, he'd have to leave and get out of his life- at least until he was older...

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Spidey's voice interrupted his thoughts. The young man smirked mockingly as he took another bite of his churro.

"How old are you?" Wade blurted out. He needed to find out before his own mind drove him always.

Peter looked at Wade, raising a quizzical eyebrow. "Does it matter?"

"Yes." Wade stared, trying not get too distracted by the way Peter was looking at him. Not that he was looking at him in any particular way but his eyes were too pretty to ignore and it was easy to get lost in them.

Peter shrugged, not paying much mind to Wade's question. "Twenty two."

"And you're sure?" Wade asked...or his anxiety did.

Peter gave him a strange look, poor boy, he must be very confused. "I'm pretty sure I know my own age." He looked back at his churro with that gaze only a man who's in love with the food he's eating could have. For a moment Wade was jealous.

He missed Peter's comment about how great the churro was as he let out a deep sigh of relief. Okay that's great, he was young but not as young as he feared.

"Yay! He's legal!"

"Eighteen is also legal."

"...then what was the problem?"

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