Chapter 15 - Red

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Peter's hands were tucked in the pockets of the oversized red hoodie as he walked to the movies. It was quite cold outside that evening and he was glad he was wearing the huge garment. It was definitely not the most flattering thing he'd ever worn but it was warm and very comfortable.

When Peter walked up to Betty he was greeted with a bright smile, which he returned. "Hiya Pete." Her eyes were suddenly fixed on the hoodie. "Isn't that...a little too big for you?"

He chuckled awkwardly. "A little." He cleared his throat, taking his hands out of the immense pockets. "Let's get the tickets."

Betty nodded with a small smile. They both got in line and waited. The brunette started talking about how Jonah had made a scene at the office that afternoon but Peter was way too lost in his own thoughts to listen.

Did the hoodie really look that big on him? It didn't, right? Wade wasn't that much taller than him anyway. Maybe bringing his hoodie was a bad idea. It was just so warm and comfortable and so...Wade. The reason why he'd been wearing it basically 24/7 had absolutely nothing to with that though. No, of course not, that would be weird. And he had many other comfortable and warm hoodies at home but this one was different- not because it was Wade's! But because it Yeah he really liked red. That's it.

As he kept trying to explain himself to...well, himself, a really faint and distant voice called his name, but he ignored it. Did it really matter why he was wearing Wade's hoodie? Was the hoodie police going to come get him? If he wanted to wear his soulmate's clothes he sure as hell would., what? Wait a minute. He wasn't his soulmate- he was but he wasn't. Okay he was but Peter didn't want him to be. Alright, granted that he was was actually not that bad, he was cool, pretty funny- no, hilarious, very flirtatious too but Peter didn't really mind anymore, in fact sometimes he liked-

"Peter!" The now loud and feminine voice called, making the young man jump.

He looked at Betty, for how had she been trying to get his attention? "Sorry, what?"

The woman rolled her beautiful brown eyes. "I said, do you want to watch a horror film?"

Peter looked at the blonde lady, who stared at them with curious eyes and a polite smile, waiting for them to make a decision so she could give them their tickets. "Yeah, it's alright." He nodded, smiling.

After getting the tickets and some popcorn they both walked into the movie theatre. The movie was okay, kinda scary kinda stupid. Betty complained every time Peter would point out things that didn't make sense. It was pure logic but his date didn't seem to be a fan of his analytic comments. This is why he preferred watching documentaries but Discovery Channel wasn't going to get him any scared girl hugs. That was the best part of it all, having Betty hug his arm every time a gory scene would appear on screen. She even pointed out his muscles. Twice! She seemed pretty impressed, but of course, who would think nerdy Peter Parker works out?

"So..." Betty said, still holding onto Peter's arm as they walked out of the movie theatre.

"So..." Peter repeated with a slight chuckle.

"Want to come to my place?" She asked. "We could order food and watch a movie." She looked up at him and smiled. "I-I mean another movie."

Peter nodded eagerly. "Yeah! That- that sounds great I'd love to-" He paused abruptly as he felt his spider sense go off. He sighed in annoyance. "Not now..." He complained in a mutter.

Betty frowned ever so slightly. "What?"

Peter looked at her and smiled nervously. "Oh um- I think I left, my- my phone! I left my phone inside." He slowly took his arm back and started walking backwards without taking his eyes off his date. "I'll go get it, wait here."

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