Chapter 23 - Backstreet's Back

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"Who did you kill?"

Deadpool rose an eyebrow and grimaced, for a moment forgetting how nervous he was. "What?"

"Just say it." Spider-Man moved his head in a way that indicated he was rolling his eyes under the mask. "You didn't have to bring me all the way to Dunkin' Donuts to tell me."

Wade tilted his head to the side ever so slightly, confused.

Spider-Man stared with arms crossed over his chest, he then noticed his shoulders relax. "That wasn't what you were trying to say, was it?"

"No and believe me when I tell you I'm way more surprised at that than you are now that I think about it."

"We could not do this and say we did unalive someone though, we're still on time."

"If you didn't kill anyone...then what did you do?" There was something in Spider-Man's tone, something very close to exhaustion. He sounded like a tired mother asking her son why he shoved color crayons down his pants again.

Not that he'd ever done anything similar, at least not with crayons.

Wait no, actually he had.

"Nothing! Nothing yet!" Wade waved his hands around in a desperate attempt to prove his innocence.

"Yet?" Spider-Man asked even more horrified.

"Well this isn't going well."

Wade sighed, ignoring White. "Listen, I didn't do anything, this is just something I need to talk to you about and it's very very important." Wade held the arachnid's shoulders and looked directly into the lenses, momentarily wondering what color were his eyes.

"This isn't the moment to be gay."

"This is the perfect moment to be gay! We're trying to confess we're gay for him!"

"I mean this isn't the moment to be that gay."

"Know what? You can shut the fuck up."

Wade gently squeezed Spider-Man's shoulders, ignoring the awkward stares, he felt the arachnid relax under his touch. "I rehearsed this moment in my mind many times so I'm gonna need you to stare into my eyes for this to go exactly the way I imagined." He instructed.

"I think that's what I'm doing."

"How do I know you're telling the truth?"

"I don't know, we both have masks on, dumbass."

Deadpool squinted his eyes, staring directly at him. "Maybe you're scared that you'll look into my eyes, won't be able to hold back and we'd end up kissing passionately here, in the middle of Dunkin' Donuts, so instead you're looking at the man right behind me, who's been staring at us for two minutes straight."

Spider-Man slowly shook his head, lenses still glued to the mercenary. "You're really something else."

"Get to the point already!"

"Right." Wade cleared his throat. He needed to focus. "Spidey...I...I think I-" He was about to say it but the words stuck in his throat halfway through his sentence.

"You tell him you want to bang him everyday with no problem but struggle to say this?"

"This is different, okay?"

"How so?"

Wade ignored the boxes as Yellow tried to explain to White the difference between wanting to bang and wanting to cherish someone and the complexity of the second feeling, instead he focused on the couple donuts on the counter. He let go of Spidey, reached for one of them and took it out of the bag before the customer who purchased it could grab it. To make up for it, Wade took out a wrinkly $10 dollar bill from one of his pouches and placed it on the counter, whilst still staring at the hero. "This will do." One of Spider-Man's lenses went wide while the other remained the same, perfectly resembling the confused look of a comic character. Wade held the donut up and slowly introduced his finger in the hole, then pulled it out.

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