Chapter 2

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{Before Chapter 43 of the P&P book}

My patience is running thin.

Caroline has been doing nothing but praising Pemberley continuously. Woman, do you think loving my house will make me love you? Please take a hint and leave me alone!

As for Bingley, I only have myself to blame for his sorry state. After all, I was the stupid one who separated him from the love of his life as if I am some experienced matchmaker. I got what I deserved anyway. By breaking a happy couple up, my own love life which could have blossomed into something will forever remain nonexistent.

Bingley has always been the one to cheer me up despite his annoying sisters but now with even Bingley feeling down, I feel like I am spiralling down into a hole of despair where life means nothing anymore. Perhaps returning to my beloved mansion a day early will calm my nerves a bit. I shall tell Bingley and Georgie of my plan to leave tomorrow after breakfast.

Bingley barely even blinked at my decision to leave early and remained slumped in his chair, looking wistfully out of the window. I know brother, you can wish that she will appear outside the window as much as you want, but it can never ever happen. I already gave up on women and chose to seek solace in the world of literature. Sometimes books are the only thing you can rely on to provide comfort and serenity amidst all the things you messed up in your life. Georgie was evidently desperate to leave with me, but she was unable to escape the clutches of Caroline who wanted to "spend time playing a duet with her". Sorry, Georgie, I shall see you in a day's time.

Stop screaming, Caroline! I really wanted to yield to the temptation of smacking her right there. This is really tempting, knowing that Bingley wouldn't even flinch at the sound.

Were you not trying to be a gentleman ever since you know what happened? Blast, she was really right about me, was she not? Forget it, the past is in the past and it will forever remain as the past.


Having breakfast alone was satisfyingly peaceful. Call me spoilt but I had requested for an early breakfast to escape the company of others. I blessed Bingley with a prayer for his sanity before breaking fast. I sipped on my heavenly Earl Grey and grabbed one of the bath cakes [1] recommended by the house chef.

"These are the most popular breakfast pastry and Sir, you must absolutely try one of my hot steaming buns." The elderly lady had chirped as she introduced the various pastries to me. Mmm, this is so delicious! The warm butter engulfed by the fluffy yeast melted on my tongue and burst into flavours. The caraway comfits also add a nice crunch to the soft texture of the bun.

Hmm, there are four left. Very tempting to gobble them now, but I decided to save them for later. After two more slices of bread with cheese, I stood up and got ready to leave. My trusty steward was already waiting for me at the stable and with a grateful bow, I slapped on the reins and started on my road to freedom.


"Good boy. Here you go." I patted my beautiful horse and hopped on the saddle before feeding him a fresh carrot always available in my own stable. As he munched noisily, I strung up the reins and proceeded on the road back to my home sweet home. As the view of the majestic Pemberley came into view, I could not help but feel a sense of pride swell up in my chest and let out a happy sigh.

As I got nearer, I heard some unfamiliar voices who were discussing my house. I was puzzled to the identity of these unannounced guests and quickly rounded the bend only to see Elizabeth.

Elizabeth. In the flesh. Dark eyes. Wavy hair.

Am I dreaming?

While I stood there wide-eyed gaping at her, all the bandages I had wrapped around my past wounds instantly fell off and fresh blood gushed out once again. Recalling that profound proposal of mine, I was overcome by horrid embarrassment and regret. I was shocked to see that Elizabeth was also looking back at me with the same shade of red on her cheeks. Determined to make a good impression, I strode towards her with my heart pounding furiously and greeted her with a quavering voice.

Calling that moment awkward was an understatement. I tried to make small talk which I could not and she mostly kept her head bowed. Is she still so disgusted by me that she refuses to even make eye contact? You would think I should be used to the pain by now.

I was acting like Mr Collins, blabbering out inquiries of her familiar and her stay in Derbyshire in a rushed manner. Slow down, why are you speaking so fast, Darcy! After asking about everything under the sun, we stood there for a few painful moments before I quickly bowed and flew back to the house shamefully.

"Master Darcy, you are back early! I just-" Mrs Reynolds started as I entered through the door. Ignoring her, I went straight up to my room and collapsed on my bed. Forget estate management and combat skills, what I really need are social skills on how to interact with human beings!

Blast, I forgot to ask her why she was here. Not that I mind her presence, but I was curious and slightly hopeful. Stop dreaming, Darcy! She already made her sediments clear and knowing how stubborn she is, she would never change her mind about my proposal. The only thing I can do now is to be a good host and present to her the most gentlemanly side of me and pray that one day she would not hate me anymore.

[1]: I was researching on the type of breakfast enjoyed during the Regency period since the book was extremely informative on that subject and came across this cool blog featuring bath cakes! If any of you are interested in making them, the recipe is also included on the website. Retrieved 2 September 2018 from . /blogs/beyond-reading-room/dining-jane-austen-1-breakfast-georgian-england.

A/N: Sorry for making y'all wait so long! I was busy with homework but I finally got the chance to write a short chapter phew. Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter, thank you!!

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