Chapter 12

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The next day, in the breakfast-parlour, Miss Bennet requested for Bingley's carriage to return to Longbourn that morning. Are they to be leaving already? Pray, a week has yet to pass and I have already grown accustomed to the presence of the Bennet sisters! Bingley has never been so pleased with himself. On the other hand, Caroline has never had such a black face for so long before. She has also been increasingly malicious in her verbal attacks, I do wish for it to stop. Yet I cannot bear for Elizabeth to go. Nay, she has to go. Her presence is a mere distraction to me.

"Miss Bennet, are you sure you are fully recovered to leave Netherfield? It might be better for you to rest here for a few more days just in case..." Bingley expressed his concern and reluctance upon his angel's request.

"I agree with Charles. Miss Bennet, I implore you to stay till the morrow at least. It would be dreadful if you were to faint on the way back home, would it not? If you do miss your family so dearly, we can lend the carriage to you and Miss Eliza Bennet after morning service. Pray, say you would stay a little longer in our company?" Caroline, the ever considerate host, said zealously. Exchanging a few words with Elizabeth, Miss Bennet accepted the offer and thanked Caroline profusely.

"Only until the following day, Miss Bennet? It might not be safe for you to leave your bed yet, I am afraid you are not fully recovered..." Bingley tries to prolong the delay even further. I hope Bingley succeeds! Damn it, Darcy!

Despite Bingley's repeated attempts of persuasion, Miss Bennet kindly but firmly rejected him and pronounced that she and Elizabeth shall leave on Sunday. Bingley deflated in his seat and I squirmed, not knowing what to make of my emotions again. Louisa aided in seconding her brother, after all, I would not be surprised if she enjoys Miss Bennet's company much better while Caroline's pointed glares at them were ignored.

To be glad or not to be? Undoubtedly, Elizabeth has been at Netherfield for too long, much longer than I have prepared myself for. I cannot stop reminiscing fondly about our "arguments" and I dare say I am extremely unwilling for them to disappear with her. However, Caroline has been in such a disagreeable temper since Elizabeth joined our party. I cannot deny knowing the reason for her jealousy and as much as I enjoy Elizabeth's company, Caroline will only rebuke her and her family the longer she remains in Netherfield. Perhaps it is for the best. Letting her go will be the best option. Who knows if she feels the same way? And who knows if Miss Bennet favours Bingley as much as he does for her?

There is too much uncertainty. We have only just been introduced to the Bennet family not long ago and who knows what their characters are like? From what I have witnessed and heard, Mrs Bennet is rather mercenary and wishes for Miss Bennet to be more forward in her advances towards Bingley. I did not eavesdrop on her, I just happened to be in the vicinity, close enough to hear her exclamations. Fortunately enough, Miss Bennet does not resort to flattery or flirtation to gain Bingley's affection but does she actually like Bingley? Could there be a lovesick girl under that shy, kind face of constant smiles? I have yet to observe enough affection on her side to reassure Bingley that his feelings are mutual and I am not optimistic that it is as such.

I had heard one day, touring around Meryton with Bingley, that Longbourn was to be inherited by a distant male cousin when Mr Bennet passes on. That can be a very convincing motive for Miss Bennet to charm Bingley and claim Netherfield, I dare say. Enough about Miss Bennet and Bingley. I have only been trying and failing to blind myself from my own predicament. My doubts about Miss Bennet's intentions applies to Elizabeth as well. What could be her motive for flirting with me? Nay, I cannot and shall not allow myself to believe that she is pining for my ten thousand pounds a year and being Mistress of Pemberley. Nay, she cannot be such a person, I am sure of it.

But what if she is? Damn, my thoughts are chasing my mind in circles. To prevent any preconceived notions made of any potential proposals, I must control my behaviour from now on and ensure that no sign of admiration towards Elizabeth must be shown. Her presence certainly brings me joy, but I have yet to discern her character enough. I must not give her any false hope to expect a proposal from me. Yes, that is what I shall do for the remaining of her stay here.


I did it! I did not expect it to be so hard, but I managed to do abide by my restrictions after all. Today, I barely spoke to her at all, except for the greetings I am obliged to make. The most excuriating part was when Elizabeth and I were stuck together in the library reading for half an hour! Nevertheless, I kept my eyes on my book and avoided all eye contact with her. Do you know how much willpower that took? I was dying to strike up a debate or even just a casual conversation about books, but it is unlike me to deviate from the plan. I am extremely proud of my achievement and alas, she will be leaving tomorrow morning! Then, I can finally relax and revert back to my original self.


Today is the day! Morning service went by in a breeze and Bingley's carriage was brought forth soon after. Miss Bennet entered first after hugs and promises to visit again from Caroline. Bingley could only shake hands with her and as he helped her into the carriage, they shared a look that meant the world to them. Caroline was thankfully civil to Elizabeth, albeit this being the only time during her whole stay. She shook hands with Elizabeth and wished her family well. Elizabeth bowed to both Bingley and I but she did not smile at me! Was she angry that I had ignored her the whole of yesterday? What should I do? To hell with it, this will be my encounter with her. I have nothing to lose! Thus, I gave her a longing look and squeezed her hand for the very last time. Farewell Elizabeth, I wish you and your family the best. I can hope that one day, I will meet someone like you.

A/N: I have edited my old chapters up to Chapter 5 so far, so please check them out if you want to read a more accurate version! Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter, thank you!! Oh and merry christmas everyone!!

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