Chapter 13

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Lord, save me! After Miss Bennet and Elizabeth had left Netherfield, I thoroughly felt the importance of their presence in our company. The evening conversation lost much of its animation and almost all of ts sense by the absence of the Bennet ladies. Caroline was undeniably happy that my only distraction is finally gone, allowing her to address all her raptures towards me. Bingley was more silent than usual and it is but too obvious why. I did not speak more than a few syllabuses either, only to appease Caroline's incessant probbing before disappointing her with my silence. Dinner was a rather solemn affair that night, I dare say.

After dinner, Bingley brought me up to his room for a private conversation.

"Darcy, can you imagine the reason of my brooding during dinner? I dare say, I have never been so quiet during the dinner before!" Bingley said as he poured me a glass of his secret brandy.

"Is that not the brandy which you denied Hurst the honour of tasting that day?" I could not help but stare in awe as Bingley opened his hidden drawer and returned the bottle to its original position.

"Indeed, Darcy. I was not up for sharing it with anyone at that moment, and I never intended of doing so at all, yet what I am about to discuss with you might require a bit of... consolation from a glass of good brandy, I suppose." Now, I am intrigued at what my friend wanted to say. I have never seen Bingley in such a disposition before. He is the type of person who never feels glum and sees the bright side of everything. I wonder what could be on his mind.

"You should have seen that both the Bennet sisters returned home this morning in the liveliest of spirits and I could not help but reflect on my behaviour that might have caused such felicity of removing from Netherfield. Did I do anything to offend Miss Bennet or her sister? Was I not courteous enough?" Bingley spoke of her woes at last and his expression was rather pained. Oh, Bingley! How could you think that you were not good enough to them?

"Nay, Bingley. You showed the utmost concern and devoted the utmost care to the ailing Miss Bennet during her stay, I must say. There was no action at all to which Miss Bennet could have found offense in."

"Then why were they so happy to leave our company? I thought Miss Bennet was in good hands here... The nurses and my sisters were all so attentive to her, were they not?"

"Bingley, stop overthinking this. They were happy to go back home, not to leave Netherfield. They must have missed their sisters and parents very much after being away for so long, I dare say."

"Oh! That makes a lot more sense now that you have explained it to me in a different light. Yes, that must have been the reason of their joy this morning. Thank you so much, Darcy!"

I almost rolled my eyes. Bingley is the only person who does not realise how kind-hearted he is. But to think that he was worrying about what Miss Bennet thought about him the whole dinner? Is that not a bit obsessive? Bingley's eyes looked rather glazed now, as if blinded by a layer of infatuation. Indeed, this situation is more dire than I had expected. I shall give Bingley a few days or so and perhaps he might soon get over Miss Bennet, like how he always does the last few times.


I miss Elizabeth.

Did I say that loud? Oh, thank goodness, I did not. Caroline will grill me to no end if she heard that.

I meant that I miss her voice. That impertinent tone of hers never fails to crack me up.

Without her engaging me in another one of her discussions, I feel like my mind is rotting. Yes, because I am hearing nothing sensible all-day. Caroline's chatter obviously does not count. And I did not even bother bringing up conversational topics with her. Knowing her dislike for reading, she could not possibly be able to debate with me for long. How boring. Is this how I am going to spend the rest of my evenings here in Netherfield? It is too late, but now I see Miss Bennet catching a cold in the rain a blessing in disguise indeed. The short-lived stay of the two sisters gave Bingley and I a taste of our potential future should we pursue them.

What am I saying! Nay, nay, nay, no one is thinking of courting them at all. Neither Bingley nor I. Yes, we are headstrong bachelors who will never condescend upon these country maidens. Yes, Elizabeth was just a source of entertainment, nothing more than that. I did not desire to court her and will never think of doing such. How could I destroy the reputation of the Darcy name? Remember that, Darcy.

"Darcy, I am planning to call on Longbourn later to inquire after Jane to make sure that she has fully recovered. Would you like to come along?" Bingley asked from outside the door as I got dressed.

What was I telling myself just now? Something about my reputation? It holds no importance for now, to hell with it!

"I would be glad to follow you, Bingley. Are we to leave after breakfast?"

"Indeed, Darcy. Come down quickly when you are done so we can leave at the earliest time!"

I am not excited. Darcy, you are not excited. Why did you even agree to Bingley? Why are you even going to Longbourn for? Damn it, Darcy! I have no self discipline at all, save me. Get a grip on yourself, it will be alright. Everyone will think that I am just tagging along with Bingley, because that is what friends do, right? It will be safe, no one will be able to tell my preference for her.

After breakfast, Bingley and I rushed down to the stables and slapped on the reigns of our horses. I do not think we have ever rode so fast before. I must reward my dear horse afterwards. Before long, we were arriving at Meryton. It was then when my heart stopped.

Elizabeth is there! With all her noisy sisters and a few men, but nonetheless, it is her!

The ladies looked in our direction and with bated breath, we approached them directly.

"Miss Bennet, I cannot deny my relief at seeing you well enough to walk to Meryton! How have you been since leaving Netherfield? I was just on my way to Longbourn to ask after your health." Bingley made the usual civilies and addressed his prinicpal object. I bowed in confirmation and tried not to look at Elizabeth in the eyes. Who knows if her sisters will spread some rumours around? I could not risk it, though I desperately wanted to admire her fine eyes again.

I turned my head to one side and suddenly, noticed the presence of the strangers present in the party. Wickham! Is that really him? How could he be here in Meryton? Nay, my worst fears have come true!

Of course, he had the good grace to turn pale. After recollecting himself, he touched his hat in saluation, one that I was never going to return. This disgusting son of the gun does not deserve my acknowledgement! In a instant, I pulled my horse in the other direction and rode off with Bingley struggling to catch up with me.

"Darcy, slow down! Darcy, what is the matter? Are we not to spend the afternoon with the Bennets? They were just about to introduce to us the other members of their party!" I heard Bingley shouting at me but it sounded very far away. I was seething with rage. I could not think properly until I reached Netherfield and excused myself immediately.

I hate Wickham. He must be here to ruin my life again. And now I have Elizabeth to worry about.

A/N: Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter, thank you!! And this chapter is dedicated to @BCamiro for making my day with her kind words!!

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