Chapter 4

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"Darcy, are you ready to leave?" Bingley could not hide the excitement in his voice as he knocked on my door.

"Yes, yes, just let me put on this insufferable cravat," I muttered. After a good couple minutes of tying my cravat without my valet, I left the room and boarded the carriage awaiting us outside the house.

Guess where we are going to? Yes, it is another party with the rowdy Meryton bunch. Sir William sent us an invitation a week after the Meryton Assembly and even offered a carriage to fetch us over. A bit too enthusiastic if you ask me, but as long as Bingley is happy, then I shall not object.

On the way there, Bingley was jumping in his seat and talking about dancing with Jane again. Note the usage of Miss Bennet's Christian name. I then recalled my first horrid words about her tolerable sister and felt a stab of guilt. That night, on the way back to Netherfield, Bingley expressed his disapproval of my ill disposition at the party. I was so sick and tired of the disgusting crowd that I had lost my temper at him. Poor Bingley, he deserves a better friend than me.

"Darcy, you were uncommonly rude at tonight's assembly, especially what you said about Miss Elizabeth Bennet. I know you do not enjoy society but you should not slight a woman whom you have yet to meet-" Bingley began as the carriage started moving.

"Bingley, I do not care about the people of Meryton! They only welcomed me because of my ten thousand pounds a year! Without my wealth, they would not have given me a second look at all!" I snapped. Enough is enough.

Bingley sighed and lowered his head sadly. I feel sorry for Bingley, I really do. How he manages to tolerate my temper is beyond me sometimes.

"I am very sorry, Bingley. That was uncalled for. I got weary from the crowd present at the assembly and wanted to take a break. I am sorry if I had caused you any inconvenience or distress." I mumbled, soaking up the ill effects of my horrid mood. I did not want to hurt my friend's feeling over this trivial matter of the ball.

"I forgive you, Darcy. After all, I am used to your outbursts already." Bingley gave me an understanding smile mixed with melancholy.

"May I ask you something regarding the ball, Darcy, if it does not agitate you too much?"

"Yes, anything. Nay, it depends on your request..."

"I just wanted to ask for your opinion and hopefully approval of a certain lady..." Bingley chuckled and lowered his voice. I could deduce but two motives of him doing so. It was either to prevent awaking Caroline, who was snoring softly beside him or to prevent her from overhearing what he was about to ask me. I guessed that it was the latter at the sudden blush on Bingley's face and leaned forward with curiosity.

"What do you think of Miss Jane Bennet? The eldest one, whom I danced with twice at the Meryton Assembly. Is she not an angel fallen from heaven?" Bingley sighed happily and I almost rolled my eyes at his infatuation.

"I had already told you what I thought of her tonight, Bingley. She is quite handsome but I find that she smiles too much for my liking. Did she enjoy your company as much as you did for hers?"

"I hope so! She was all smiles during the dance but she seems to have a pleasant countenance all the time so I am not sure if she had enjoyed my company. Her sister, whom you rejected so unkindly-"

"Why must you keep bringing up Miss Elizabeth Bennet? That lady hardly has a good feature in her face! Even if I can allow Miss Jane Bennet to be rather handsome, it does not mean that I have any designs upon her or her sisters at all." I groaned and buried my face in my hands.

"Alright, this matter of the Miss Bennets is closed. I shall not bring it up again to remind you of your guilt, my dear friend." Bingley hid a sneaky smile and I seethed in silent indignation for the rest of the ride home.

And that was my first impression of Miss Elizabeth Bennet. My first day here in Hertfordshire and I have already made foes. I bet everyone present at the assembly hates me now. Over the next few weeks, I had accompanied Bingley on more assemblies and found myself observing Miss Elizabeth Bennet with newfound interest. I did not know where this feeling came from, perhaps from the wish of making amends for my ill temper. I also wanted to learn more about Miss Jane Bennet who has captured the attention of Bingley ever since.

Being born and bred in the ton, I naturally have high expectations for women and Miss Elizabeth Bennet barely meets them. Firstly, her manners will be considered too direct in the fashionable society I am so used to. Her figure also lacks lines of perfect symmetry which a young lady ought likewise to be if she possibly can. Despite this, I am not repulsed by such a change of scenery. Strangely enough, I find myself attracted to this different personality which I have never encountered before. Every woman of the ton acts exactly the same, the only difference being their dowries and the amount of lace on their gowns. It actually felt refreshing to meet a woman who could conduct herself without needing to carefully curate her actions and words just to impress a man.

Now, thinking back to the night at the Meryton Assembly, I deeply regret my words. How could I ever find her only tolerable? I was intoxicated then, I recall. I shall push the blame to that damn glass of brandy.

The loud commotion and sudden braking of the carriage snapped me back to the present. Sir William' party. More dancing. More crowds. More matchmaking mothers.

Alight the carriage. Help Caroline down. Plaster impassivity on my face. Take a deep breath. Follow Bingley. Embrace the crowd.

Pray, how could I forget? And more time to watch Miss Elizabeth Bennet in action.

A/N: I am still alive guys! After spending fruitless hours researching on the hard-to-get Regency language and surviving a hell camp, I proudly present this half-chapter. I'll try to write and upload the second-half next week, many thanks for those who are still following my story! Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter, thank you!!

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