Chapter 3

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{Before Chapter 3 of the P&P book}

"Darcy!" I looked up from my letter only to see a very excited Bingley striding towards me. I stood up immediately, pleased to see my close friend again but before any of the common pleasantries were made, Bingley exclaimed, "Darcy, I just returned from visiting Netherfield Park and I have decided upon it!"

"Where is Netherfield Park?" I had never heard of that place before.

"Darcy, have you not read my letter? I have been in search of a new estate to lease and Netherfield has satisfied me greatly. The estate, though inhabited for quite a while, still remains in good condition and I wish for nothing but to move it immediately!" Bingley's enthusiasm was not deterred by my ignorance.

"I see, do you require my assistance?" I had rather missed Bingley's spirit since the last Christmas, I must admit. Bingley is one of the very few acquaintances in my life whom I have no qualms with. The only disadvantage of such a friend was the existence of his sisters. Especially one who is still pitifully single and shamelessly flirtatious. But alas, the sacrifice is worth the friendship of Bingley.

"Nay, I do not suppose so. However, I do have a small favour to ask for..." Bingley averted his eyes and rubbed his neck. Damn, it must be something related to socialising. If it was just a borrowing of money, I would instead be more willing to accept. Knowing Bingley and his affinity for society, I begrudgingly nodded and braced myself for the worse.

"An invitation to attend the Meryton assembly tonight has been extended to the whole of our party. I understand that you do not find pleasure in balls but I would appreciate if you could join us..." Bingley enunciated his words hesitantly and gave me a hopeful look. How could I say no to that face? I sighed and agreed. Pleased to have convinced me, Bingley started describing the vast number of new acquaintances we would meet at the ball...

I zoned out soon enough and thought of how Georgie would cope without my close guidance. After that horrific episode, I was very content to skip all social events and stay in the shelter of my house with Georgie, enjoying her playing on the pianoforte or curling up with a thick book in my library. But it was too late to worry about her now, I have already given my word to Bingley. I just hope that Miss Annesley would not betray my trust as Mrs Younge did back then.


I almost forgot how much balls drive me crazy after my long absence in society. Dancing bodies and overly-boisterous conversation. I already felt a headache coming on as I stepped down from Bingley's carriage. Caroline shoved her sister aside and flashed a sultry smile at me as she clutched my hand to descend the carriage. Tonight is going to be a long, dreary night, I dare say.

When the doors were opened for us, a hush suddenly fell over the crowd and everyone stared in awe as our party entered the ballroom. Bingley's radiant smile reflected on everyone despite the unfamiliarity. Caroline scanned the crowd with an appraising look while Louisa smiled shyly with Mr Hurst barely concealing a yawn beside her.

My reaction was the best of all, I dare say. The stolid look in my eyes hid an impending storm, having brewed from my indignance at being dragged here. After a few moments of silence, an elderly balding man stepped forward and greeted us. As he exchanged pleasantries, we were once again engulfed by chatter and laughing as the jolly dance resumed. The man, whom I understood to be Sir William Lucas, clasped Bingley's hands and welcomed him sincerely to mingle with the company at present. I briefly nodded at Sir William as he bowed deeply to each and every one of us.

"Sir William! Would you be so kind as to introduce this gentleman to us?" A woman with frizzy brown hair cried from behind us as she nudged five younger girls around her forward. Sir William introduced both parties to each other and names were quickly exchanged.

One-shots in Darcy's POVOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora