Chapter 7

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After a satisfying dinner with the officers, Bingley and I made our way back to Netherfield in our chaise. Meeting the officers was not as bad as expected. Everyone was very welcoming and courteous to me though I showed up with a bad disposition. As the night progressed, I slowly warmed up and started conversing with the officers about military issues. We were having such intense discussions that Bingley had to interrupt and remind me of the time. Bowing deeply to the officers, we took our leave, being one of the earliest guests to leave as we stayed the furthest from Meryton.

I cannot remind the last time I had a sensible conversation with my acquaintances. Bingley does not enjoy arguing as he calls it and the others are not well-equipped enough to be any use to me in a debate. How I wish I could work up my courage and participate in a banter with her. After listening in to her conversations with others, I am very intrigued to how the mind of this very interesting woman works. But this was a hopeless wish indeed.

When we entered the parlour, Caroline rose and addressed us directly.

"Charles and Mr Darcy, you are finally back! Miss Jane Bennet is resting in one of our guest rooms-" Before she could finish her sentence, Bingley interrupted her with a gasp.

"What...what can you mean by this? May I know why Miss Bennet is here instead of residing in Longbourn?" Bingley sputtered and his face contorted in pain. Damn, I did not realise my best friend had already developed such deep feelings for Miss Bennet. This is dangerous. Caroline rolled her eyes at Bingley's distress. How unfeeling.

"Charles, calm yourself down! I had sent an invitation to her but she was caught in the rain on the way here and so she arrived soaked and shivering. I have already been so kind a hostess to provide her with one of our guest rooms to rest in and a servant to look after her." Saying this in a haughty tone, Caroline flashed me a smile and paused. Pray, can you stop flaunting your hostess skills? I certainly do not want a hostess in Pemberley who only does her duty to fish for compliments.

"Caroline, I demand you to explain every single detail to me this moment!" Bingley's eyes were almost bulging out and he looked serious for once.

As Caroline and Bingley started discussing, I am left to my own thoughts once again. Firstly, is Bingley just infatuated with Miss Bennet's beauty or is he really neck-deep in love? This cannot do. Simply because of the same reason I have been trying to convince myself of. And who knows if Miss Bennet returns his sediments? I know Louisa does not wish to think badly of Miss Bennet because who could? However, if Miss Bennet has monetary motives, then Bingley has already taken the bait. Hook, line, sinker. Nay, this is very very bad. I must think of a plan to protect Bingley at all costs.

Secondly, I feel like Miss Bennet's visit to Netherfield is going to set off a series of events. Not that they would all be bad, although I can imagine that much more rumours would be spreading around that Miss Bennet and Bingley will be expecting matrimony soon. I suppose... forget it, this little hunch of mine cannot be supported by proper evidence that it will come into fruition, so I shall not dwell on it any further. Just saying that it would be killing two birds with one stone if she somehow decides to visit her ailing older sister in Netherfield... I would not complain about Miss Bennet staying for as long as she wants to then. I promptly retired to bed with my fingers crossed and hope that tomorrow will bring about something good.


"Good morning, Bingley. Are you alright? You look rather pale." I was in the midst of breaking my fast with Louisa and Caroline when Bingley dragged his feet into the breakfast-parlour. Shuffling to his seat, Bingley shook his head and sighed.

"Jane, I mean Miss Bennet is not looking any better than yesterday. I just made a house call to Mr Jones to take a look at her. I just hope she would recover soon." I nodded my head and reached for a slice of bread. Bingley remained slumped on his seat. I guess he lost his appetite at the sight of his beloved in such a weak state. And I certainly did not miss the slip of his tongue at addressing Miss Bennet so informally. I was getting increasingly worried about my friend's health and love life. I know it is none of my business to poke my nose into others' romantic pursues but sometimes Bingley can be so blinded by the temptations of life. In such cases, it becomes my responsibility to wake him up to his senses and open his eyes to reality. If I just watch and stare as Bingley walks to his doom, what kind of friend am I?

While Bingley was wallowing in self-guilt and sadness, Caroline is anything but. She is clearly unhappy that a single invitation to dinner has led to so much more inconvenience for her and distraction to Bingley. The whole time during breakfast, she kept slamming her knife onto her plate after slapping butter onto her bread and stabbing her fork into her breakfast roll. Anyone with eyes could see that she was out for blood. Even Mr Hurst decided to chew his food quietly this morning. Not that I was intimidated at all. It was after all a source of entertainment for me to enjoy peacefully. Until a servant entered the room and announced the arrival of the very same woman I was hoping for.

I was all astonishment, to say the least. Her face emitted a natural glow that only further highlighted her sparkling eyes and I somehow liked that her hair was slightly tousled. Now I know that exercise can bring her complexion to even greater heights. My thoughts started to become not-so-gentlemanly and I coughed awkwardly to clear my dirty mind.

"Miss Eliza Bennet!" Caroline cried as she took in her appearance. I was still reeling from the shock that she actually managed to walk three miles so early in the day, in such horrible weather and by herself to Netherfield. I knew that she and Miss Bennet were like two peas in a pod because they were the only two functioning human beings in their family but I did not expect her sisterly love to be so strong for her to do such a dangerous act. It must have been so muddy walking here, why did her family not stop her? Ah, how could I forget? She is a stubborn woman. I can already imagine her declaring her resolution defiantly to and storming out of the house with her mother shouting after her to stop.

"May I see my sister please?" She ignored Caroline's judging eyes and requested calmly.

Breaking out of his stupor, Bingley looked up and cried, "Miss Bennet!" It was as if the sight of her gave him a surge of energy and hope. Bingley bounced up from his chair and received her with his usual amiable disposition. She smiled and made a few enquiries about her sister which were readily responded by Bingley.

"I am very sorry about your sister's condition, Miss Bennet. I should have prevented Caroline from extending an invitation on a rainy day. I should have been here to tend to her earlier-" Bingley bowed and apologised even though it was all Caroline's doing.

"Miss Eliza Bennet, let me show you to the guest room where your sister is resting in." Caroline snarled in an attempt to shut Bingley up. She nodded and thanked Bingley before leaving the room with Caroline.

Heaving a deep sigh of relief, Bingley sat down at his chair again but this time, in a more relaxed state. Seemingly gotten back his appetite, he nibbled on a breakfast roll in silent bliss. A while later, Caroline returned back and instantly prodded Bingley.

"Charles, why are you even apologising to Miss Eliza Bennet? It is not your fault that Jane Bennet is so weak as to fall ill from a trifling cold." Bingley frowned at her but remained silent.

"Caroline, you are the hostess of Netherfield, can you at least show some respect for the guest whom you personally invited? If her sickness is to be blamed, you are in fact the main perpetrator. Pray, stop being so spiteful towards her." Her severe treatment of Miss Bennet was driving me and Bingley up the wall. I also wanted to shield Bingley from his sister's attacks.

With me putting an end to Caroline's snarky remarks, Caroline finally kept mum for the rest of breakfast. Sneaking a peek of my best friend, Bingley mouthed a "Thank you" and I smiled back. Elizabeth and my best friend were here with me, what else could I ask for?

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