Chapter 9

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"Mrs Bennet, two Miss Bennets and Mr Jones are sitting with Miss Jane Bennet-" Caroline was saying to Bingley when I entered the breakfast parlour. I do not usually oversleep. I just had a peaceful dream where Elizabeth and I were walking in the fields of Pemberley together.

My valet knocked at my door a few times before I dragged myself up from my bed. If I was still half-asleep, Caroline's words served well as a rude awakening. Mrs Bennet is here? With her daughters? I absolutely did not want to deal with their chatter and giggles first thing in the morning.

Upon the update of Miss Jane Bennet, Bingley nodded his head in satisfaction. He did not rest well, I dare say. He must have been worrying about Miss Bennet's health the whole night. Caroline is still furious since Miss Jane Bennet's arrival to Netherfield. Sending that dinner invitation must have been her worst mistake. It is no matter, she will cheer up once the other Bennets join us later!

The door opens and the three women were invited into the breakfast parlour. The sisters gave a little wave to Elizabeth who paled at their entrance before plopping themselves on the sofa. Bingley launched hopeful questions of concern to Mrs Bennet almost immediately. In a gleeful tone, Mrs Bennet replied that Miss Jane Bennet's condition became worse, making it necessary for her to remain in the house a while longer. Why am I not surprised that her mother would try her best to prolong her daughter's presence in Netherfield?

Bingley allowed for such and Caroline promised that Miss Jane Bennet would be well-taken care of, albeit with unconcealed coldness. Mrs Bennet's profuse thanks reminds me of Caroline's incessant praise for anything and everything related to me. Strange how the more one talks well of something, the more insincere one sounds.

Bingley started explaining that he should not be leaving Netherfield any time soon. If he wanted to, he would have left it in a haste. Indeed, after so many years of friendship. Bingley does act on impulse. Take his love life for example.

Elizabeth replied that she had expected him to be as such but Mrs Bennet silents her in an annoyed tone. At least Elizabeth makes better use of her time studying characters rather than prancing around the neighbourhood, spreading gossip to any willing ears! Thankfully, Elizabeth pays no heed to her mother.

Elizabeth continued that intricate characters are the most amusing to study and somehow I felt her gaze rest upon me. Am I being too sensitive? I get defensive quickly whenever I feel like a target of mockery and such. I certainly did not want to praise her for that so I had nothing else to share. I could only reply that the country neighbourhood can but provide a small and stagnant range of characters for her amusement. Of all things to say, I just had to insult her origins.

Mrs Bennet, obviously insulted, started blabbering about the four-and-twenty families her family dines with. Mrs Bennet, if I was agreeable to company, I could have as many families come over at Pemberley! She pointedly suggested that I look down upon the country, even though I believe nothing of the such ever left my lips. But I wanted to thank Mrs Bennet because...

Elizabeth spoke up for me! Yes, indeed! I am not dreaming. Upon my word, I am fully sober and awake now.

She had the good grace to blush at her mother's directness and defended me. I did not say any offensive to be honest, but I appreciated her clarification whole-heartedly. Caroline shot me a challenging smirk. When will she ever give up? I suddenly recalled her outcry of Elizabeth condescending upon her own sex last night and wanted to laugh out in irony. Caroline does everything she faults Elizabeth for, does she not realise that?

Elizabeth tries to change the subject to Miss Charlotte Lucas and Mrs Bennet manages to brag about Miss Jane Bennet again. Even worse, this time, she calls the Lucas ladies plain! Women are such merciless creatures when they want something for themselves. Meanwhile, Bingley is still blissfully oblivious to Mrs Bennet's insinuations and for once, I am glad for that. He does not need more encouragement to court Miss Jane Bennet from anyone. Especially her mother whom only sees Netherfield.

"I do not boast of my own child..." Mrs Bennet rambled and I bit on my lip. Oh, Mrs Bennet, I would never imagine you capable of such a shameless act. And no one cares about Miss Jane Bennet's past lover. Bingley certainly does not require the intelligence of such scandalous information. Elizabeth interrupted her mother crossly, saying that poetry drives away love.

How could I not say something in the name of literature? Or choose not to participate in a debate with Elizabeth?

"I have been used to consider poetry as the food of love," I said. I finally have something sensible to say to Elizabeth! She rebutted but I only smiled. She even looked a bit disappointed at my silence! You do not know how much I crave a lengthy discussion with you about the effect of poetry on love but I decided to spare Bingley from any arguments.

After many repeats of gratitude, Mrs Bennet finally decides to leave. I have been waiting for this moment since she entered the breakfast parlour. While waiting for their carriage, the youngest daughter suddenly reminded Bingley of his promise to hold a ball. Why must this happen to me? When I thought I would be free from more balls, Bingley just had to agree with the condition that it will be held after Miss Jane Bennet recovers. I almost fainted at that moment. One more nightmare to endure. I find the youngest daughter very similar to her mother in terms of countenance and character. Her mother was as delighted upon Bingley's consent to the ball. I can already see her pairing her daughters up with eligible bachelors in her head. When they departed, Elizabeth also left the room back to Miss Jane Bennet.

"Mr Darcy, how do you think about having Mrs Bennet as your mother-in-law? Are her fine eyes worth tolerating her mother's raptures?" I gave no reaction to Caroline's snide question. Unable to stir me up, she proceeded to censure the Bennet family, leaving me wondering how many days will Elizabeth remain in Netherfield. I do not mind this arrangement, except that Caroline is the damn mistress of Netherfield. Do not fret, Darcy. One day, Elizabeth will get the chance to see my house too. And there will not be any Caroline or Mrs Bennet to burst our perfect bubble of happiness.

A/N: Hey friends, I'm not dead! Sorry for the late update, I was on holiday since last week. I will try to write more constantly now that I am quite free heh heh... Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked this chapter, thank you!!

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