That Smirk

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Hi guys! I have been writing for a while but this is my first official story on Wattpad so please feel free to like and/or leave a comment. Thanks and enjoy! :)

Megan's POV:

         RING, RING! RING, RING! The alarm started to scream at me to get up from my nightstand as I laid in my bed dreading the first day of fall semester classes.

        This will be my third year at Clemson University for psychology and I can't wait to just get it over with, so I can get to med school. I pulled myself out of bed and started gathering my clothes and a towel from my closet to take a shower to help wake me up. After the shower I applied light make up to my face and threw on a cute top with some jeans. Yep, that should be good for a first day. After a few years of college, you get tired of dressing up every day for classes. Some days you just feel like wearing yoga pants and a tank top.

        "Babe I made eggs and bacon out here if you want some!" My boyfriend Christian yells from my kitchen. I gathered my stuff in kind of a hurry hoping to avoid too a conversation with him this early in the morning. Mornings are not the time for me...

      "Oh no that's fine I have a class soon, and I'm not really hungry." I shouted back to him in the kitchen, while grabbing my keys and phone from my dresser.

      Don't get me wrong Christian is a good-looking and sweet guy, but lately... I don't know. I've just started to notice there isn't really any connection between us. We have a few things in common and have been dating since senior year of high school but besides having sex every now and then it's like we are just really good friends. I guess I have just always wanted a more passionate and spontaneous relationship... I mean is that not what every girl wants? And the sex with Christian... well it's mediocre.

       "You leaving?" Christian asks me as he sits at my kitchen table eating. Always making himself at home.

      "Yeah I like to get there a little early, so I make sure I find my first class." I leaned down to give him a kiss on the cheek good-bye while I riddled off yet another excuse, so I could avoid him. We don't live together, but we might as well because he is pretty much here all the time and sometimes it really drives me crazy. A girl needs a little space every now and then. My dad bought me this apartment as a high school graduation present and I have been on a full scholarship for college. Daddy's little girl... Ugh.

      "Okay, well have a good day baby." He smiles at me and I grab my backpack and hurry to the door in hopes he wouldn't say anything else. I feel really bad feeling this way about him, but I don't know what to do. Sometimes I just really wish I was alone or at least just have the balls to break up with Christian. I know, I'm an asshole.


       I drove around the building of my first class in my cute little black Mini Cooper trying to find a parking place and finally found someone pulls out to leave. I hopped out my car and walked towards the four story building with my earbuds in. They are blaring Stevie Nicks into my ears for a few minutes before someone jerks my right earbud out of my ear.

        "Bitch! I have been texting you all morning." It was my best friend Julia about to give me another one of her long speeches on the importance of replying to your best friend, because I had spent all morning ignoring my phone. I have a bad habit of ignoring my phone actually...

          "Oh my god I'm so sorry... But I kind of wasn't in a good mood this morning." I said with a sarcastic tone as we both entered the building. The cold from the building air conditioners hits us like an arctic wind. Damn they keep these places cold as hell.

        "Why? Christian stay over again?" I whipped my head to give her a glare as she put her hands up in defense. She knows I don't want to talk about him. It only puts me in a bad mood.

        "I'm sorry... I know we said we weren't gonna talk about it again but if you think you might want to be single... maybe you should be Meg." I rolled my eyes even though in the back of my mind I agreed with her. I had gotten drunk at a party a week ago and told her that I wasn't attracted to Christian and wanted to break up with him. She has been holding it against me ever since...

          "I hear ya J." We both turned down the hall where our class was and then I realized I should probably pee before class. I always end up having to go half way through the class.

        "Hold on I'll be right back I have to go pee really quick." I turned to dash towards the bathroom.

          "Don't take too long don't want to be late to our first College Skills class!" I chuckled and rolled my eyes at her joke. The other classes I was supposed to take got filled up so fast so I had to find an elective to take so I can maintain the right amount of credit hours for my scholarship. Of course, because Julia was taking this class, she insisted I had to take it with her, so I figured why not, it's an easy A. After I peed, I stood in front of the mirror just staring at my reflection, looking at what, I don't know. I looked down at my phone to realize I had been standing in front of the mirror for 5 minutes and my class was about to start. I grabbed my bag and rushed out the bathroom. I turned the corner to enter the classroom only to slam into a very tall person.

          "Oh shit I'm sorry I wasn't watching--" He stopped what he was saying as soon as we made eye contact. He might have forgot what he was saying, but I swear in that moment I forgot how to fucking breathe. He hovered over me... he must have been at least 6'3 and he smelled so so fucking good.

         "Oh no your fine." I responded, quickly looking away from him trying to regain my breath as I pushed past him into the classroom to find Julia. I took a quick seat next to her trying not to make any more eye contact with him. He is just a guy. I was so quick to rush away I didn't get a good enough look at his face. From the brief glimpse I got he was cute as fuck. Julia noticed my distress as soon as I sat down next to her. She knows me so well.

        "You okay girl?" She asks, eyeing me up and down.

      "Yeah I'm good!" She gives me a 'yeah right' look, but knowing her she just let it go for the time being as we both pulled out our laptops. Out of the corner of my eye I could see someone staring at me not to far away from me. I wanted to look up, but I kept telling myself it was a bad idea. I just had a feeling it was the hot giant... And I mean Megan you have a boyfriend. You can't be attracted to other guys or even look at them, right? Even though I'm not even attracted to my boyfriend. Fuck, just one look. That's okay.

         "Megan Bowman!" The professor called my name off the roll and I was jerked from my thoughts.

         "Here!" I quickly called back, but still avoiding looking towards him. I started logging into my laptop hoping to just stop thinking about the subject all together. I should be focused on school and my classes anyways.

        "Noah Jacobs!" The professor called and for some reason this time it's like my body just took over and I literally couldn't keep my head from looking up and meeting eyes with him. My first glimpse of him did definitely not do him justice... He is sexy... He just has that preppy bad boy look. With an American flag baseball cap on, a black V-neck, black sweatpants and black Nikes.... he is looking fine as hell. Where has he been the last three years I've been going to school here?

         "Here." He looks over at me and gives me a smirk that could drop panties and honestly if we were alone together, I probably would drop my panties for that face...

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