My Girl

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Megan's POV:

I've been rushing back and forth from my bathroom to my bedroom trying to figure out how to do my makeup and what to wear to this party tonight. Noah dropped me off at my place about an hour and a half ago and then left to go to his place to get ready. He told me he would be back in about 2 hours, but I really hope he'll be late because I have no idea what to wear. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. What do I do? I know... Julia! She's always my go person when I don't know what the fuck to do. I quickly dial her on facetime knowing I want to show her outfits for her opinion. For a few seconds I think she might not answer. Come on Juls. I need to look good for Noah... My man. This will be the first time we have gone to a party together. Christian would never go to parties with me... Never dance with me or even flirt with me.

"Wassup my girl!" She yells into the phone while she pushes her face closer to the camera. Thank God she answered. She's probably already a little tipsy from pre-gaming, it was always a tradition we had before parties.

"Okay no joking girl I need help finding something to wear! Noah will be back in like 30 minutes to pick me up." Her eyes get wide and then she starts laughing. She's laughing at me.

"Fuck you! I'm serious! I need to look hot as fuck tonight!" I set my phone up on my dresser, so she can see my closet and me when I try on some clothes.

"Babe don't worry about all those other bitches before you or around you now! He has obviously really started to like you." She slurs out everything pretty quickly. Damn, maybe she's a little more than tipsy.

"Wait what do you mean all those other bitches? How many is all?" My voice comes out in a panic. I mean I know he's been with other girls of course... But I just wasn't sure quite how many. I mean it's not like I'm a saint.

"Well I'm sorry babe, but it seems you have met your match." She starts giggling, referring to my history with guys. If she hadn't been my best friend since we were 4 years old, she would get her ass whooped for those kinds of comments. But I love Julia and she's always honest with me.

"You mean he's slept with a lot of girls?" Before I met Noah, I was completely faithful to Christian, but I only met Christian at the end of senior year of high school. I had 4 years of wild high school memories... some I feel kind of ashamed for every now and then. I guess I've come to terms with my mistakes. I just don't want Noah to think bad of me. There are so many things he doesn't know about me, from my drug use to all the careless sex I had. God Megan just stop thinking about it. I've changed.

"Listen just relax, some guys just need to get it out of their systems before they find someone, they want to be serious about. And to be honest babe you can't really judge him... you weren't exactly the virgin Mary in high school." She makes a face telling me she's sorry for her harsh comment, but she's right.

"I know, I know. I just... I just don't want him to get bored with me or spot someone he wants more at the party or anywhere else for that matter." Damn that sounded pathetic. She gets silent all the sudden on the other end of the phone. I have never been this insecure... Ever. And I have never been worried about losing a guy either. Holy shit... could I lose him?

"Girl, I think you might be catching feelings for your boy toy." When she uses those words, I found myself getting a little irritated. He's way more than just a fuck to me... I'm not in high school anymore, I mean yeah, I could still have fun if I wanted but I think I really like Noah. And I could possibly feel more...

"Listen Meg don't freak you are seriously bad as hell and he knows that. I think he might really have a thing for you. Just don't let his good dick get to your head okay?" I was going to respond, but she speaks up again quickly. "Oh, and you have always been a confident sexy chick so don't lose that especially in front of other girls that want him. You own that party and you show him whose boy toy he is-" I had to cut her off, I can't stand hearing her refer to him as that again.

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