"You're fucking in love with him..."

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Megan's POV

After my last class of the day I decided maybe I needed to text Julia and see if she wanted to meet for lunch. We have only hung out a few times in the last two weeks, due to me basically attached to Noah's hip. I couldn't help it though... I have it bad. And after this morning's shower I really need to talk to someone or I am going to go crazy. For the last few hours his words from this morning have just been replaying over and over in my head. 'I want to watch you while I make love to you.'

God, those words have been playing with my mind and emotions all day. After he got out of the shower, we sort of had a quiet breakfast. It wasn't an awkward silence or anything, but it just wasn't the fun laughter filled breakfasts like we usually have. I just don't even know what to say to him. Or whether or not I should ask him about what he said in the shower. Is there even anything to say something about? Okay, I really just need to text Julia. She will know exactly what to say. We haven't talked a lot about me and Noah, but enough to where I'm pretty sure she knows how I feel about him.

To Julia: You free for lunch in like 15- 20 minutes?

I hit send, walking out of my last class of the day towards my car. I really hope she isn't busy I know she has been hanging out with Matt a lot more, she just doesn't want to admit it. I sat in my car letting my thoughts of Noah overtake my mind again. He usually texts me by this time of the day with something cute or clever to say... but nothing yet. Maybe I'm just paranoid but I really feel like it has something to do with this morning.

BUZZZ BUZZZ BUZZZ. Thank God, Julia replied.

From Julia: Of course. Meet you at Waffle House?

I giggled a little at our goofy ritual pig out spot we've been going to since we were freshman in high school. I mean you can get all kinds of stuff all the time, from breakfast to dinner. The place is open all hours and every day of the week and there is one in pretty much every city. What more could you ask for? I sent her a quick text back before starting up my car.

To Julia: Meet you there.


As usual I arrived before her so I grabbed a table, knowing they always get a little busy around lunch time. It was only about 10 more minutes before I saw Julia pull up in the parking lot. I can see from all the way in here, that she is in her car bobbing her head and jamming out to some music. I swear she is always happy... I don't know how she does it. Always so care free and just like fuck it. I mean I used to be that way... not in the right ways though. I said fuck it when it came to partying and fucking a bunch of guys. She just doesn't let anything get her down.

She pushes opens the door glancing around the restaurant before finally finding me sitting at the far end of the building. She smiles wide, jumping up and down a little as she makes her way over to me.

"Oh my God girl! It feels like we haven't seen each other in forever." I look away from her for a second, feeling a little guilty for neglecting my best friend for Noah recently.

"I know. I'm sorry Juls. I've just been so wrapped up in other things." She quirks her eyebrow up at me giving me a little smirk. That probably wasn't the right words to use, as her mind is always thinking dirty. Even though what she's thinking is probably correct...

"You mean wrapped up in the sheets with Noah Jacobs?" She tilted her head to the side, her smirk growing by the second. Why does she have to know me so well? I was going to admit she was right when we were interrupted.

"Hi girls, it's been a while since you girls were in here. I'm used to you guys coming for breakfast or lunch almost every day. You two know what you guys want or do you need a minute?" I turned to the small little old lady, Jamie, who was our usual waitress almost every time we ate here. I was the first to speak up because as usual I get what I always get.

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