2• The deal

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"Yea I don't want to marry you. So if you could just go and reject me-"

"So see here's the thing." I started. "I am not interested in marrying you. So, if you could just go and reject the marriage propo-"

"What if I don't?" he cut my words.

Is he an idiot? For god sake, I don't want to marry him.

"Oh come on, take a hint! I don't want to marry you." I said emphasising the last two words a little too much than required.

"But I want to." he said in a firm tone, making me look at him in disbelief.

"Seriously! Why would you want to marry me? I don't think I fit your taste?!" I had been wearing a long knee length light green kurti, which looked way too simple and plain. I bet I looked like a simple naïve girl. On the contrary, he looked, let's not lie, swoon worthy. Good looking, tall with a well built physique and honestly, hot would be an understatement to describe him. But I was not interested in him.

"You absolutely fit my taste and this dress-" his dark brown eyes locked with mine. "doesn't look bad on you."

I frowned. "Is that even supposed to be a compliment?"

"May be-" his lips curved into a smirk before he added, "or may be not."

"Whatever. You just need to know I don't want to marry you." I made my point clear.

"Like I told you I want to. I don't have any-" he started but I didn't let him complete.

"What exactly do you like about me that you would want to marry me on our very first meet?"

"Wait, listen to me first. Here's the thing, I don't want to marry you nor anybody else." he said without a moment's pause. "I have rejected so many girls till date with god knows what rubbish reasons and now if I reject you, my granddad may force me to marry anyone of his choice which is the worst of all. So let's get married but-" this time he paused for a second or so before adding, "only for namesake."

"Namesake?!" I repeated after him but it was more like a question than an answer.

"Yup namesake." He nodded. "We will marry each other and will be living under a same roof but we won't practically be husband and wife. Neither will I control you nor will you control me. Or let's just say we can be roommates."

"Are you nuts? Marriage isn't a child's play."

"I know and even if it is all a child's play, I wouldn't want it. But think about it, are we even in the position to reject each other?"

Considering my situation 'no'. In fact my grandmother wouldn't even listen to my words but the proposal sounded way too stupid.

"We are not, at least I am not but that's not the solution. I don't even know you. So how can you expect me to agree to this stupid set up of yours?" I tried reasoning.

"I know it sounds stupid but we don't have an option. I can't reject you and from what I have known you can't reject me either. Tell me a better option if you have any."

Frustrated, I ran a hand through my hair. "So what do you want me to do? Marry you for namesake? Will that even work?!"

"Like I said we can just be roommates. I promise I'll fully respect your privacy and you just have to do the same in return."

I let out a sigh. I couldn't believe I was considering this stupid proposal of his.

"Deal?" He asked, forwarding his right hand towards me. I looked at him and then simultaneously to his hands.

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