4• I punched him

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As soon as we entered the club, the loud music hit my ears and instantly I felt the urge of dancing. I glanced at Manik who was busy locating his friends and that was it I left for the dance floor.

Swaying my body with the music I indeed felt good. I didn't care about the environment and for a second I even forgot about Manik.

"Hey beautiful lady. May I have a dance with you?" A guy asked and before I could even reply, I felt an arm around my waist.

"She is my girl." Manik's voice hit my ear and I looked at him dumbfounded, ignoring the tingling feeling that I just felt. His Girl? What did he mean?

"Oh sorry bro." The guy smiled and left us.

"Don't take my words seriously." He said, dragging me out of the dance floor.

"Why would I take it seriously?" I snapped as I yanked my hand free.

He turned around to face me. "Don't create a scene and quietly follow me."

"Why should I? I don't want to follow you." I crossed my arms around my chest and looked at him.

"Don't test my patience." He said in an irritated tone as he stepped forward to hold my hand and right then I stepped backward.

"Don't you dare touch me." I warned.

He hit my forehead and sneered,"See I touched you. Now what will you do?" This annoying jerk!

"You..." I seriously wanted to punch this monster. He hit my forehead again and gave a sarcastic laugh. "What will you do?"

I was so pissed that I ended up grabbing the drink that was kept on the table and the very next moment the glass was emptied on his face.

Splash! He deserved it anyway.

"What the-" He shouted gaining the attention of people around and I gave him sarcastic laugh before shouldering him and walking past him. But right then he pulled me with a jerk and I crashed on his chest.

I felt a shiver run down my spine when I looked into his anger filled eyes.

"You shouldn't have done this." He squeezed my shoulder and it hurt. I wriggled in his hold and wailed in pain when his grip grew tighter. I closed my eyes in frustration.

"Leave me." I raised my voice a bit, still struggling to free myself.

He squeezed my arms even more. This was it for me. My fisted hands made it's way to his face. Yeah I punched him at the right corner of his lips.

Manik touched his lips with his one hand while his other hand was still on her arms. I jerked his other hand away.

"Don't mess with me." I frowned and glared at him. I turned back to leave but right then Manik caught hold of my wrist, pulled me towards him.

A soft gasp escaped my lips as my back hit his chest. He then twisted my wrist and it hurt. I whined in pain, while trying to get out of his hold and not long after that a boy came to separate us.

"Manik leave her." He pulled Manik and Manik immediately left me.

"Is a show going on in here?" Manik shouted and everyone got back to their business. I rubbed my arms lightly, glaring at him.

"You will pay for this Miss Murthy." Manik scowled.

"I am not afraid of your warnings." I said and walked away to the bar. I ordered a drink and gulp it up in a go.

Like what does he think of himself. In the first place he was the one to drag me in here. He was the one to mess with me.

"Hey Nandini." I turned around on hearing a sweet voice. A beautiful girl of around my age was standing in front of me with a pretty smile.

"Um do I know you?" I wasn't sure. Was she one of my patient?

"No you don't but I am Mukti, Manik's friend." She smiled and introduced herself as she took a seat beside me. He has quite a beautiful friend.

"Hi." I smiled at her, returning back her gesture. Then I was joined by two more people-Alya and Dhruv, who were obviously Manik's friend. I was busy talking with them when I saw a guy coming towards me.

"Namaste bhabhi ji." A guy joined both his hand and bowed down in front of me. Bhabhi jii. Like seriously!

"Urrr Namaste." I just bowed my head a little feeling totally awkward while the others laughed.

"Oh come on Cabir." Mukti hit the bhabhi jii guy's shoulder lightly.

"By the way Nandini this Cabir. He is totally insane so you better stay away from him." Mukti introduced him.

"Mukti you forgot to introduce the most crucial person." Cabir said and Mukti gave him a confused look.

Cabir then pointed towards Manik who had been sitting in one of the corner and venting his frustrating on the drinks at the bar.

"Nandini the angry young man sitting in there is your very soon-to-be-husband Mr Manik Malhotra. You better stay away from him too because he can be very dangerous."

"Oh come on she can handle his anger with her punch." Alya said and everyone laughed.

After that we talked on causal topics for a while and I got to know a lot about them, especially about Manik.

Manik was the lead vocalist in their band Fab5. I just couldn't believe with such an annoying voice of his, he could be the lead vocalist. However they had their own profession, music was just their passion and a way to pass their time.

Manik's friends were very friendly and I really liked them. How did he manage to get such friends with such an arrogant attitude? Sigh!

They were telling me about Manik and right then his arrogant natures topic popped out.
"He will act arrogant and rude at times-" At times no way he is always in his arrogant mood. "And you might feel like punching him. Don't hold it back just punch him like you did today and set his mind right." Mukti said.

I instantly wanted to hug her when she said those lines. I thought being his friend she would defend him but she wasn't like I thought.

"Punch him hard on his face." Alya seconded Mukti.

"So hard that he would remember it for a lifetime." Dhruv added.

"Are you guys even my friends?" I instantly turned my head when I heard the monster's voice but his voice was a bit shaky.

He was not even able to stand straight on his feet. Holy shit he is drunk.


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