34• Monster and his little time bomb

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Thank you so much guys ❤ for the 1K votes in the previous chapter. You guys make me speechless every single time and trust me you guys are the only reason that I am still here.


I heard the alarm ring and I frowned. It's already morning. But the alarm soon went off. Huff. But I have to get up and go to the hospital.

I slowly fluttered my eyes open only to see Manik staring at me.

Our marriage had almost completed three months and now nothing seemed better than being with him. My cheeks turned red, feeling his intense gaze and I abruptly shut my eyes remembering how sizzling the previous night had turned out to be. "Stop staring at me." I said.

"I can't help it when I have such a beautiful wife." His mere words had the power to make my senses go insane. He kissed my forehead and his lip kept lingering there for a while. He proceeded down to my cheek, then my nose. I smiled with my eyes still close and that moment I knew he had been eyeing my lips. And I knew what he wanted. I opened my eyes only to meet his. And when our eyes met he slowly brought his face closer to mine but I immediately covered my lips with my hand.

It's my turn to tease you Mr. Malhotra. I mentally smirked.

"You are not getting it so easily." I grinned and he made a bad face.

"Then what should I do to get one?"

"Umm let me think-" I acted as if I had been thinking. "Yea you should-"

"I should-" He repeated after me, looking at me intently.

"You should move out of my way. I have to go." I said as I slapped his forehead. I got up a bit, only to be pulled down by him. He tightened his hold around me.

"Manik." I tried pushing him but instead of that he buried his head in the crook of my neck, making my heart race.

"Move over.." I said, trying to get out of his tight grip.

"Move and wriggle only if you want me to make love to you all over again. You are turning me on." He whispered against my skin and my heart took a double take on his words.

I stopped moving and I could feel his lips curving into a smile against my skin. He came on top of me and I could feel his bare chest against my bare skin.

"Manik." I tried pushing him away with my all red face. He caught both my hands and pinned on either side of me before smashing his lips against mine.

He pressed his chest more into me, as he deepened the kiss. And trust me that moment my heartbeat was just not mine. But still I struggled to get him off me. He then pulled away from my lips and dug his head in the crook of my neck, showering that area with his kisses while I tried pushing him away.

"Manik I have to go to the hospital." I said and he stopped showering kisses on my neck but his head was still buried in my neck. "Manik so let me go." I said, breathing heavily.

He raised his head from my neck. "Okay go." He said before pecking my lips. Monster.

He let me go and holding the blanket close to me, I got out of the bed and I felt so tired and my body hurt. I slipped into my nightwear. I then took out a pair of my clothes and entered the bathroom.

As soon as I entered the bathroom, my eyes fell on the mirror. I looked at my reflection with my already heated up cheeks. I could see hickey all over my neck and a few on my shoulders.

"That monster is so wild in bed." I said, looking at myself but however I knew he made it sure to not make me feel uncomfortable. Huff.

After taking a hot shower I came out all ready to go to the hospital. To my surprise the bed was empty and he wasn't there in the room.

"He might be in the living room." I assumed as I came out of the room. The living room was empty too. "Where did he go? I wanted to ask him what he wanted to have for breakfast." Sigh!

Right then I heard some sound from the kitchen. Folding my sleeves, I made my way to the kitchen, only to see him chopping onion. I didn't even realize when my lips had curved into a smile.

"What are you cooking?" I asked as I walked and stood beside him.

"Omelette, toast and coffee." He said as he beat the egg in the bowl.

"Need any help?"

"No not at all." He denied my help. I sat on the kitchen slab, dangling my feet as I observed him while he cooked for me. And that moment I felt like the luckiest girl in the whole world for having him.

I got down from the kitchen slab and back hugged him. "Thank you for coming in my life." I said, softly as I pressed my head on his back, taking in his warmth.

He looked over his shoulder to look at me and he smiled, "Your welcome. Finally you realized how lucky you are for having me in your life." He self praised, making me chuckle.

"Self obsessed Monster." I said, smiling sheepishly.

"It's called self love my little time bomb." I couldn't see his expression but I knew he had been grinning like an idiot.

"Right your so called self love. But don't you think you should stop calling me time bomb?" I said and pouted as I raised my head and tilted a bit to side to look at him.

"Nope. You are still my time bomb." He said.

"And you are my monster."

"Time bomb."


"Time bomb." He said it out aloud.

"Monster." I too raised my voice.

I didn't know for how long our 'Monster' and 'time bomb' went on. But all I knew was that even when he tagged me as a time bomb, I liked it. I being the rebellious one just couldn't stop myself from contradicting but then truth to be told I loved it when he called me that.

He was my monster and I was his little time bomb. 


And most probably the next chapter will be the last chapter of Married to you. I had planned to end it on chapter 30 but I dragged it a bit for you all and yup also for me. This story is my little baby.

But I don't like dragging the plot and the true motive of this story is completed. So it's almost time to say goodbye to this little story of mine. I hope you guys will wait patiently for the next chapter and may be I will give you guys a little surprise too.

And do tell me which part of the story you liked the most?

You guys telling me your views will really help and motivate me to write more like this or may be better than this.

Thank you so much for loving Married to you.

Married to you ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora