24• Whispers

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"Nandini why aren't you eating anything?" Abhi said, looking at me and I just smiled, stuffing a little morsel in my mouth.

I glared at Manik who had been smirking. What will I do with this guy?

Manik had been caressing my feet with his since a while ago and he was in no mood to stop. "Manik get your feet off me." I whisper, faking a smile at others.

"Why? Does it turn you on?" He whispered back. Monster.

"Manik you are dead meat." I whisper yelled.

"What's with you guys?" Mukti said, looking at us and I just shook my head in nothing as I fidgeted with my spoon. Manik Malhotra you are so dead.

"They sure are playing Chinese whisper." Cabir said, chewing his food.

"How can only two people play that?" Navya said, looking at Cabir.

"Shall I show you?" Cabir said, nearing his face to Navya and I could see her face getting red.

"Cabir not now." She whispered but I heard it. For sure they are seeing each other.

"Your legs are also so soft just like your lips." Manik whispered, making me choke on my food.

"Hey eat slowly." He said, handing me a glass of water and with his other hand he rubbed my bare back. I bit my lips, trying to handle his ticklish gentle touch.

My heart shivered at his touch and I could feel this tingling sensation. Gosh my stupid heart.

I glared at him and swatted his hands away. "Manik don't-" I whispered looking at my food.

"Someone is in pretty romantic mood." Navya, who had been sitting beside me, whispered.

"Navya stop teasing me, will you?" I said in a low tone, fidgeting with my spoon.

Wasn't Manik enough, that now even Navya joined.

"You know I can help you two to snuck out of this party." She whispered, making me fake cough.

"But you know it can be opposite way around. I can help you and Cabir snuck out of the party." I said in a low tone and smirked.

"What do you mean?"

"I know you guys are dating. So stop with this innocent act. Okay?" I chuckled.

She glared at me and I just got back to my plate.

Few minutes later when I was just about to take a sip of my soft drink, I felt his feet caressing mine. My breath hitched and I glared at him but his eyes were stick to his plate. I kicked his leg away and he made a bad face.

I could hear Navya chuckle. She surely had got a clue of my situation. Now it's like her revenge time. Huff.

"Let me make it easier for you two." Navya said in a low tone and before I could say anything, she poured a glass of soft drink on my saree.

"Navyaa." I shouted in irritation and everyone looked at me. Okay this made me conscious.

"I am sorry Nandini." Navya said with that innocent face of hers. What a drama queen.

"It's okay." I said as I got up. Shit my saree was ruined. I glared at Navya and for a moment I did see her smirk.

"Nandini let's head home." Manik said as he looked at my saree.

"Yea yea you two should go." Navya said with a smug smile. I glared at her. But anyway we were almost done with the party.

So I nodded my head in 'okay' and after biding bye to everyone we left the place.

In the car, I sat down in the passenger seat with a grumpy face. I will kill Manik if he even talks to me.

Right then Manik bend towards me and I looked at him. Damn it didn't even take a second for my heartbeat to rise.

I squeezed my eyes shut not knowing what he was up to. His hot breath fanned against my ear, making my heart shiver.
"I was just going to put on your seat belt." I heard his whisper and that made me open my eyes.

I turned to look at him and our lips brushed, erupting thousands of sparks in just one second. I was about to pull away but Manik leaned more towards me and pressed his lips against mine.

With one hand he supported my back while I could feel his other hand at the back of my head, pulling me closer. He kissed me but I controlled myself from responding back.

I am angry. I am angry. I reminded myself, squeezing eyes shut, as his addictive lips moved against mine.

On not getting response he deepened the kiss and bit my lower lips, making me moan. He took a opportunity to slid his tongue inside my mouth and now I couldn't hold it back any longer.

Involuntarily my lips started responding.
My hands landed on his waist, pulling him closer and I could feel his lips curve into a small smile. Sparks erupted within my whole body, heating it up.

Damn I so badly need him. I just want to sink in him and forget the damn world.

We pulled away, breathing heavily.
"Let's continue this later." He whispered, making my heart skip a bit more.

Damn he brings the best and worst out of me.

He is driving me crazy every passing second.

Later when we reached home. I pushed him against the wall and kissed him harder as he fumbled for the door keys.

"I thought someone was angry." He whispered, right over my lips when I broke the kiss. His hot breath giving me this ticklish feeling.

"I still am." I whispered back. "But I want to show my aggression in a different way."


So my exams are up guys. Wish me luck. And update next Saturday.

Even in exams I am updating so shower me with more votes and comments *smiling*

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