20• Changing equation

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"Hey." A not so unfamiliar voice hit my ears, making me frown. I looked up to see Maddy taking a seat beside Nandini. Gosh this jerk.

"Oh hi."

I looked at Nandini and I could see it clearly that she wasn't comfortable with his presence. The smile and excitement that was evident on her face while ago was no longer there.

I gritted my teeth and fisted my fist under the table.

"It's such a coincidence." Maddy spoke out, looking at at Nandini and all she did was paste a fake smile on her face.

"Nandini we need to leave. We are running late." I said as I got up from my seat.

"Oh hey Manik. I didn't get to greet you properly that day in the clinic." Maddy said as he forwarded his hands for a handshake but I simply didn't feel the necessity to shake hands with him. So I stuffed my hands in my pocket and faked a smile.

"Oh yea." I said and Nandini got up. "We need to leave. You enjoy your ice cream." I added as I held Nandini's hand.

"You can just stay for a while bro. And in fact Nandini still hasn't finished her chocolate chocochips." He said, looking at her ice cream. "This reminds me we used to eat this a lot in those days." This just added fuel to my anger.

I just faked a smile before we left the ice cream parlor. "Thanks." Nandini said n a low tone.

"Can't you for once face off with him? Why does he still affect you?" I shouted on Nandini. I was irked with the fact that her past still affected her. "You let your past rule over you and it's so ob-"

"Just shut up okay." Nandini shouted this time, her eyes filled with fat tears and I hated this sight. She silently walked towards the passengers seat of the car.

Shit! I shouldn't have shouted on her.

I sat on the driver's seat and started the car. Throughout the journey to home I could see her fighting back her tears. I tried apologizing but she turned a deaf ear to all of my apologies.

Even when we reached home she didn't speak a word. That made me feel guilty.
I looked at her sadly as she slept turning towards the other side. I hated this.

I sat upright on the bed unable to take this silent any longer.

Right then I saw something which I shouldn't have, making me go all pale.

"Cockroach. Cockroach." I shouted as I jumped on the bed. I hate cockroaches more than anything else.

Nandini got up with a jerk listening to my shouts. I immediately hugged Nandini, hiding myself in her embrace. "Nandini there is a cockroach." I panicked. I could feel her gently pat my head.

"Manik nothing is there." She said, patting my head.

"No there is that scary thing roaming around."

"Manik it's just a cockroach, it won't eat you up." Nandini let out a soft laugh and for a second I almost forgot the cockroach thing.

That moment I knew her laughter was the best music to my ears.

"I can't believe you are scared of cockroaches." She laughed, ruffling my hair lightly and I couldn't help but smile sheepishly.

I pulled away from her and instantly I felt cold. Her arms were warm and it felt home. I looked at her laughing figure and at that point I knew I was falling for her.

I knew she was the one for me.

"I am sorry for shouting on you earlier." I said, looking down. Her soft laughs stopped. She gently lifted my chin with her forefinger and smiled looking at me.

"I am sorry. You were right that time. I shouldn't let him affect me. I should let go off my past and I promise I will try my best." She said, looking right into my eyes. And I can tell you she was being sincere.

A small smile made it's way on my lips. "And I promise to help you get over your past." I paused."Nandini can you promise me one more thing?"

She raised her brow, asking 'what?'

"I promise I will tell you each and everything that I am up to but in return can you promise me that you will do the same too?" I held her hand softly.

She smiled softly and said. "I promise I will." I looked at her and she looked at me. I couldn't help but smile wider.

"I guess we should get some sleep. I need to leave early tomorrow." She said after moments of looking at each other.

I nodded my head and we both went to sleep but this time I held her close to me and she didn't resist. It wasn't our first time sleeping in each other's embrace but before today it used to be plain coincidence.

I couldn't believe I was falling in love with a girl like Nandini. I looked at her and she looked even more beautiful in the dim light. Her face held the peacefulness and innocence, making my heart at ease.

I held her even more closer and slept.

Next morning
The sun rays peeped through the window, disturbing my ever so peaceful sleep. I gently opened my eyes and it took me a few seconds to adjust to the sunlight.

Yawning, I got out of the bed, only to realise the room was empty. She wasn't there. But unlike yesterday morning today I wasn't worried.

I knew she had gone to the hospital. I looked at my phone only to see two new messages from Nandini.

"I am going to the hospital. Your breakfast is on the table. Heat it up before eating."

5:30 am

"I reached the hospital safely. So don't worry about me."

5:45 am

I smiled seeing the messages. Our equation was surely changing. I so want to get up early for her and I promise tomorrow I will.

"I just woke up. Good morning."

7:00 am

Unknowingly we both had taken a step closer towards each other and I guess that's how love works, without even knowing and without even realizing.


And I hope you loved the update.

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