Chunnin Exams

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"No." Sasuke said.

"Excuse me?" Kakashi asked, surprised.

"We won't be entering. We are not ready. We have graduated just six months ago and have only one C Rank under our belt. Even Itachi was a genin for two years before entering chunnin exams." said his Uchiha student.

This really wasn't the outcome Kakashi had anticipated when he decided to enter his team in the chunnin exams. He had expected Sakura to be hesitant, not Sasuke, who was already chunnin level. And that last bit about casually mentioning his homicidal brother.... Hmmm.

"You're sure about this, Sasuke? Because this is team exam, if one of you doesn't come, the whole team wouldn't be able to enter." He said, having a hard time hiding his glee. Naruto would never forgive Sasuke for ruining his chances promotion and thus his innocence would remain safe from the Uchiha.

"What? Sasuke please tell me you were just joking and you'll come to the exams." Naruto pleaded.

Sasuke, who apparently had figured out Kakashi's plan, gave him a stink eye and turned towards Naruto, "I'm sorry. We can compete in the next exams, six months later. We'll trade hard for for it and..."

"I don't want to trade with a coward." Naruto shouted and left.

Sasuke pinched the bridge of his nose and asked Kakashi, "If that's all?"

"Oh.. huh.. Yes, dismissed." He said, as he read his book.

The next morning, he found all three of his students in the training ground, sparring in a free for all spar, and not in the exam venue.

He waited for the spar to end (in Sasuke's favor) before asking," So, you
two made up then?" He tried not to let his disappointment show in his voice, but apparently Sasuke picked up on it and sent him a smirk.

"He made me tomato ramen." Naruto said in lieu of explanation.

Kakashi cleared his throat. "Since, one of Sasuke's reasons for not competing in chunnin exams was lack of C ranks, I've picked up a bunch of them for us. If we are quick we might even get back to Konoha to see the tournament finals."

That seemed to shake off all of their exhaustion and Naruto cheered, "We will, believe it."

Naruto was right in his optimistic approach and they were back in Konoha one day before the tournament. Kakashi treated his students by buying them all tickets and the next day they were all seated together in the finals.

Kakashi looked at the match roaster which only had six competitors - Guy's team and a team from Suna. He had heard from jonin gossip that the majority had filtered out during the first test by Ibiki.

The first match began with Mini Guy vs Gaara of Sand.

Kakashi knew Lee was a pure taijutsu type since he couldn't use chakra, and it looked like Gaara had a sand defence mechanism. It came down to their speed, which seemed equal until Lee removed his weights and opened the first gate. He was able to get a solid hit on Gaara which seemed to make him crazy and demand Lee's blood.

Suddenly, Kakashi felt a genjutsu trying to make him sleep, which he dispelled from him and his students. Gaara was releasing killing intent in the arena and transforming into the Ichibi and foreign ninja were losing their civilian disguises and attacking the leaf ninja.

This was an invasion.

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