A Hokage's Woes

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Tsunade observed as her most troublesome apprentice entered her office wearing a goofy smile, which looked very disturbing on the face of an Uchiha.

"You're late." She stated.

"I was a bit busy. What did you want?" The rude brat replied.

Tsunade didn't have time for healing his broken bones and Shizune had threatened her not to break any more furniture, and thise are the only reason she restrained herself, she was not fond of the brat, no matter what Ibiki said. "You will be going with me and Sakura to the Land of Iron tomorrow morning, as my gaurd for the Gokage Summit."

"Gokage Summit? This soon?" Sasuke interjected.

"Yes. I called it to inform the other Kages about the threat of Akatsuki."

"What threat? Aren't they mostly dead?"

Tsunade sighed with exacerbation. "There are four of them left, including the one that can destroy villages with one jutsu, the Angel of Ame, your psychotic cousin and the plant thing that started this mess in the first place. And it's not exactly difficult to recruit more missing-nin. Based on the result of your mission in Oto, Orochimaru is already back with them."

"Yeah, okay. Got it. Akatsuki are dangerous. I'll be here in the morning. Now can I get back to my boyfriend?"

"Get out. And send Kakashi. Make it clear to him, if he's not here in 20 minutes, I'm going to make his life very difficult."

The Uchiha gave her a mock salute before disappearing with a body flicker.

Despite her threat, Kakashi took another hour to arrive.

"Yo." He said, with his eyes fixated on his Icha Icha. Tsunade comforted herself from the fact that soon he'd be begging her to change her decision.

"I'm leaving Konoha tomorrow for a few days, for the Gokage Summit. You'll be the acting Hokage meanwhile."

And the begging commenced, as if it would achieve anything.

Tsunade was exhausted by the time Naruto arrived. Thankfully, this was the last order of buisness.

She politely ignored all the hickeys he forgot to cover up and proceeded with her task.

"There's something that Sarutobi-sensei neglected to inform you because of his own reasons. I was only made aware of your lack of knowledge after you had left for your training trip and I think now you're mature enough to know about this."

"What are you talking about, baa-chan?" The brat interupted.

"The identity of your parents." That shut him up. "Your parents were Namikaze Minato and his wife Uzumaki Kushina." She paused to give him some time to absorb that.

"Namikaze Minato was the fourth Hokage." It was more of a statement than a question, but she answered anyway.

"He was."

They spent a few minutes in silence. Tsunade turned to paperwork and tried to ignore Naruto's watery eyes. She had never been great at comforting people. Maybe she should have called the Uchiha as well...

"All right." Naruto finally spoke. "Am I allowed to tell someone?"

"Its your choice. You are already hunted because of being a jinchiruchi. Being the Yondaime's son isn't going to make much difference"

"Am I allowed to prank Ero-sennin and Kakashi-sensei?"

Tsunade smirked at that. "Since when have you needed permission?"

He shrugged. "It would feel more justified."

"You have my blessings."

The smile Naruto gave her before leaving almost made her feel sorry for those idiots.

Almost being the key word.

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